Lead-Based Paint Abatement Activities
Lead-Based Paint Abatement Activities
Rule Chapter 0400-13-01-Lead-Based Paint Abatement became effective June 5, 2024. It replaces and amends Chapter 1200-01-18, which was effective September 26, 2000. Rule Chapter 0400-13-01-Lead-Based Paint Abatement implements Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Section 68-131-401 et seq., Part 4-Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Certification Act of 1997. The State of Tennessee Lead Hazard Program became an EPA-authorized program on January 17, 2001.
The LBP Rule requires that LBP activities conducted in "target housing" and "child-occupied facilities" in the State of Tennessee must be conducted by firms and individuals certified by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).
- To become an LBP certified firm, download Application to Conduct Lead-based Paint Activities, form CN-1298
- To become an LBP certified individual:
Additional links to assist in the LBP Program:
Lead Abatement Certification
Contacts |
Adrianne White 615-532-0885 Adrianne.White@tn.gov |
This Page Last Updated: September 12, 2024 at 11:29 AM