Distribution Information for NEU Local Governments
The Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund will provide funds to support non-entitlement units of local government, which are local governments typically serving a population under 50,000.
Funding for NEUs
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides recovery funding for NEUs through payments made by state governments. Tennessee will receive a specific allocation of these funds from the U.S. Treasury for distribution to the NEUs. Award amounts are based on the population of the NEU.
The status of payments to states for distribution can be found here (click link).
Tennessee Allocations
The allocations for NEUs in Tennessee can be downloaded here.
Tennessee is required to distribute the funds based on each NEUs population and in proportion to the total population of all NEUs in the state. However, the total amount to be distributed to an NEU may not exceed the amount equal to 75 percent of its most recent budget as of January 27, 2020. A list of population counts determined by the U.S. Treasury is available here.
NEUs not included on the list of local governments (above) should review the Allocation for Metropolitan Cities table to determine if they have instead received a metropolitan city allocation. Tennessee county allocations are available here.
Once payment is made to a state, each NEU must request the funding.
Prepare to Request Payment
Steps you can take now to prepare to request funding from the state:
✓ Obtain or confirm your local government’s valid DUNS number
✓ Gather your local government’s payment information:
o Local government name, taxpayer ID number, DUNS number, and address
o Authorized representative name, title, and email
o Contact person name, title, phone, and email
o Financial institution information (e.g., routing and account number, financial institution name and contact information)
✓ Confirm your local government’s top-line budget total (defined as your local government’s total annual operating budget, including the general fund and other funds, in effect as of January 27, 2020)
✓ Review award terms and conditions agreement (as provided by U.S. Treasury to be signed)
✓ Review assurances of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as provided by U.S. Treasury to be signed)
What's Next
The state will notify NEUs when the allocation has been received.
Requests for NEU distribution can be made by clicking the box above or click here: https://horne2.outsystemsenterprise.com/PM_Tennessee/Login
After Submitting Your Request
After submitting your request for funding to the state, please retain the documents and information for your first report. Additional reporting instructions will be provided.
If your local government is not registered in SAM.gov, please do so as soon as possible after receiving the award.
You will be asked for the following information in your first report to Treasury, among others:
✓ NEU Recipient Number (a unique identification code for each NEU assigned by the state to the NEU as part of the request for funding)
✓ Copy of signed award terms and conditions agreement
✓ Copy of signed assurances of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
✓ Copy of actual budget documents validating the top-line budget total provided to the state as part of the request for funding
Page last updated: 08/11/2021