Cash For Tips Program
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) ordinarily posts TennCare fraud convictions to this website within sixty (60) days of the date of entry of the judgment of conviction.
Any person who reported the information leading to a conviction for TennCare fraud shall have sixty (60) days from the date of the initial posting on the website to contact OIG and claim his/her reward. After the expiration of sixty (60) days, the right to claim will expire.
A person(s) claiming the reward must be able to provide and verify his/her identity in order to obtain any reward monies. In order to qualify for the Cash for Tips reward, the person reporting the fraud CANNOT remain anonymous. Only information submitted by telephone is eligible for a reward. T.C.A. 620-4-1-.02(2)
To review the complete rules for the Cash for Tips Incentive Program, click on the "Incentive Program (Cash for Tips)" link in the Documents & Publications on the left side menu.
To review the current Cash for Tips convictions report, click on the "Cash for Tips" link in the Documents and Publications on the left side menu.