External Grant Resources

The links provided below are to various grant related sites. Information on grant funding opportunities, Federal regulations, grants reporting, submitting grant reports, Federal compliance requirements, and much more can be accessed through these websites. 

Website Description
Uniform Guidance  (2 C.F.R. 200)
An authoritative set of rules and requirements for Federal awards
Agency Exceptions
Federal Agency specific Exceptions to the requirements of 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance.
Single access point for over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies, allowing organizations to electronically search and apply for competitive grant opportunities.
USA Spending.gov
The publicly accessible, searchable website mandated by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 to give the American public access to information on how their tax dollars are spent.
Assistance Listings - CFDA (The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) 
A government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public.
SAM (The System for Award Management)

Note: all entities applying for Federal Grants or other procurement opportunities are required to register on SAM.gov

•  Search for government business information

• Register to do business with the U.S. government

• Update or renew your entity registration

• Check status of an entity registration

• Search for entity registration and exclusion records

FAC (The Federal Audit Clearinghouse)

• Distribute single audit information to federal agencies and the American public.

• Support the OMB in oversight, monitoring, and assessment of U.S. federal assistance.

• Assist federal agencies in obtaining Single Audit data and reporting packages from its recipients.

NGMA (National Grants Management Association)
Provides tools and resources for grants professionals to support and maintain high levels of grants management competency and to establish standards of excellence for grants managers.
OMB (The Office of Management and Budget)
Authoritative sets of rules and requirements for Federal agencies/non-federal entities
FSRS (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Subaward Reporting System)
Link to FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) used to comply with FFATA reporting requirements. 
The Payment Management System (PMS)
Federal Payment Management System (PMS) is a one-stop shop for grant payments. Program Support Center (PSC) is committed to improving the quality of our solutions to better serve our customers. 
Automated Standard Application for Payments  (ASAP)
ASAP is a completely electronic payment application for federal agencies to quickly and securely disburse funds to  recipient organizations.