Tennessee's Lethality Assessment Program-Maryland model (LAP)

As a part of Governor Haslam’s Public Safety Plan, Tennessee is seeking to implement the Maryland Network’s LAP here in Tennessee to assist with reducing domestic violence homicides and increasing access to services for victims of domestic violence. 

Created by the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence in 2005, LAP is an innovative strategy to prevent domestic violence homicides and serious injuries by providing an easy and effective method for law enforcement and other advocates to identify victims of domestic violence who are at the highest risk. According to the Maryland group, the LAP is a “multi-pronged intervention that consists of a standardized, evidence-based lethality assessment instrument and accompanying referral protocol that helps first responders make a differentiated response that is tailored to the unique circumstances of high-danger victims.”

For more information on the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence and the LAP visit their website at http://mnadv.org/lethality/.

Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons's Report on Domestic Violence - Click Here 


This Page Last Updated: November 16, 2017 at 4:15 PM