Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners (RSAT)
CFDA # 16.593
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 established a program of federal grants administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. This program, known as Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT), assists states and units of local government in developing and implementing residential substance abuse treatment programs within State and local correctional and detention facilities.
See RSAT Legislative Authority
RSAT subrecipients must adhere to all requirements in the applicable OMB Circulars and Common Rules (Appendix T), the DOJ Grants Financial Guide, the OMB Uniform Guidance, and the 2020 Compliance Supplement.
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Formula Grant Program assists states and units of local government in developing and implementing residential substance abuse treatment programs within state and local correctional and detention facilities in which prisoners are incarcerated for a period of time sufficient to permit substance abuse treatment.
The goal of this program is to provide for a provision in the statewide strategy to address the need to develop or enhance substance abuse treatment programs for offenders. In implementing the programs, the grantees are encouraged to adopt comprehensive approaches to substance abuse testing and treatment for offenders, including relapse prevention and aftercare services.
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Formula Grant funds may be used to implement residential substance abuse programs that provide individual and group treatment programs for offenders in residential facilities operated by state and local correctional agencies. These programs must:
- Last between 6 and 12 months. Each offender must participate in the program for not less than 6 or more than 12 months, unless he or she drops out or is terminated.
- Be provided in residential treatment facilities set apart from the general correctional population. Set apart means a totally separate facility or a dedicated housing unit within a facility exclusively for use by program participants.
- Focus on the substance abuse problems of the inmate.
- Develop the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve the substance abuse and related problems.
The federal share of a grant funded project may not exceed 75 percent of the total cost of the project. The 25 percent matching funds must be in the form of a cash match. These “match” funds must be paid with nonfederal funds. These funds must also be in addition to funds that would otherwise be made available by the subrecipient for treatment.
Applicant must agree to implement or continue to require urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing of individuals assigned to residential substance abuse treatment programs in correctional facilities. Such testing must include individuals released from residential substance abuse treatment programs who remain in the custody of the state. Applicants are also encouraged to implement drug testing and treatment programs for offenders throughout their criminal justice systems. As part of its application for funds, the applicant must describe its current drug testing programs, the number of offenders tested, and plans to expand or continue these programs. Grant funds may be used to pay the cost of testing offenders while in a grant-supported program.
The State is required to give preference to subgrant applicants who will provide aftercare services to program participants. Aftercare services should involve coordination between the correctional treatment program and other human service and rehabilitation programs, such as education and job training, parole supervision, halfway houses, and self-help and peer group programs that may aid in rehabilitation. Currently, under the governing statute, 10% of grant funds may be used for non-residential treatment provided during the aftercare component of the program.
The Office of Criminal Justice Programs requires that each funded RSAT Program in Tennessee have in place an operational aftercare plan for each participant upon termination or successful completion of the RSAT program.
Corrections treatment programs and state and/or local substance abuse treatment programs are required to work together to place program participants in appropriate community substance abuse treatment when these individuals leave the correctional facility at the end of their sentence or time on parole. Both agencies should work together in developing an individualized plan for community substance abuse treatment for each offender. This plan should begin when an offender enters the residential treatment program. Applicants are encouraged to develop written agreements and procedures to facilitate this cooperation.
In designing and implementing the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Formula Grant Program, states are required to ensure coordination between correctional representatives and alcohol and drug abuse agencies at the state and if appropriate, local levels. This should include coordination under the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Accurate documentation is required that all personnel providing individual and group counseling are licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse (LADAC) Counselors by the State of Tennessee Department of Health. For further information please refer to the Rules Governing Licensure of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, Chapter 1200-30-1 on the State Department of Health website.
- All non-licensed personnel must actively be working on their LADAC. Clear documentation that all requirements are being followed is required. Clinical supervision of these personnel must clearly be defined in the policies and procedures manual. Verification that the procedure is being followed must also be documented in the personnel file. Personnel who are not licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselors and actively working on licensure may only be utilized with prior approval from OCJP.
- Other appropriate certification or licensure may be substituted upon prior written approval from the Office of Criminal Justice Programs.
State Fiscal Quarters
Quarter 1 – July-September
Quarter 2 – October-December
Quarter 3 – January-March
Quarter 4 – April-June
Quarterly RSAT Data Report (BJA PMT) –Enter on BJA website and send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by: Quarter 1 - October 15th; Quarter 2 - January 15th; Quarter 3 - April 15th; Quarter 4 - July 15th.
Quarterly RSAT Narrative Report (Word Document) - Send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by: Quarter 1 - October 15th; Quarter 2 - January 15th; Quarter 3 - April 15th; Quarter 4 - July 15th.
Annual RSAT Recidivism Report (Excel Document) - Send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st
Program Income Summary Report (In Formstack) – This program does not generate income; therefore, this report must be submitted annually to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st, or 30 days after the contract expires.
Medication Assisted Treatment Report (In Formstack) – For July-June – send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st.
Project Equipment Summary Report (In Formstack) - For July-June – send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st. If this program purchased equipment, including “Sensitive Minor Equipment” during the reporting period, this report must be submitted annually to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st, or 30 days after the contract expires.
Annual Title VI Report (Word Document) - For July-June – send to assigned OCJP Program Manager by July 31st.
*Please be sure to review both the “Financial Reports” and “Program Specific Reports” tabs for other required reporting.*
The Project Director is responsible for timely submission of completed program and fiscal reports. Inability to submit required reports in a timely fashion is considered a failure of required contract obligations.
NOTE: The subrecipient is required to gather and maintain statistical data relating to grant project activities as required by the Office of Criminal Justice Programs. The data collected should support the information submitted on the annual reports. OCJP may periodically request to see the back-up data that supports the information submitted on your output and outcome reports.
This Page Last Updated: November 1, 2024 at 1:29 PM