Helpful Resources
GMS Training
Milestone 2 - Organization Profile and Registration
Federal Guidance
The GAO (Government Accountability Office) recently issues the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, aka the Green Book. These standards provide the overall framework for establishing and maintaining an effective internal control system.
Victim Services Resources
Below is a link to an e-bulletin published by the Office for Victims of Crimes which provides brief descriptions of some of the innovative practices used by VOCA victim assistance and compensation programs. It draws on the firsthand experiences of state administrators and program staff in responding to victims’ needs, addressing gaps in services, and promoting awareness of crime victims’ rights. It is designed to spark dialogue among states and localities and encourage them to replicate these innovative practices.
E-Bulletin -
Domestic Violence Resources
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence Available Training
DTF Resources
JAG/BJA-REQUIRED CTFLI TRAINING: The DTF maintains documentation (certificates of completion) that each task force commander and agent has completed required online task force training provided through BJA's Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership ( Completing this web-based training curriculum is required once every four years. New agents hired or reassigned to the DTF should complete this training in its entirety within their first 120 days with the DTF.
Other Resources
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released " SAMHSA's Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach." This paper identifies a working concept of trauma relevant to justice systems and other stakeholders, outlines fundamental assumptions and principles for developing a trauma-informed approach, and explores trauma in the context of community. View and download the full paper.
TN Coalition Conference 2016: Common OCJP Monitoring Issues, Presented by Daina Moran & Jennifer Brinkman - PowerPoint Slides