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    Strategic Technology Solutions

    The use of computers by the State of Tennessee began in 1958 with the installation of the first computer in the Department of Finance and Administration to implement a centralized payroll system. During the 1960s, the use of the computer as a productivity tool became widespread, and many of the larger departments installed computers to automate repetitive tasks.

    In the early 1970s by executive order, state computer functions were centralized into one division in the Department of Finance and Administration. Since then, Strategic Technology Solutions (formerly the Office for Information Resources), has served as the state's central information technology service bureau to state departments.

    Stephanie Dedmon, Chief Information Officer

    Stephanie Dedmon
    Chief Information Officer

    STS is a division within the Department of Finance & Administration (F&A), guided by Stephanie Dedmon, Chief Information Officer. STS's clients primarily consist of State departments and commissions. STS provides planning, resources, execution and coordination in managing the information systems needs of the State of Tennessee. In addition to providing technical direction, services, and infrastructure to the State of Tennessee, STS also serves as staff to the Information Systems Council (ISC).