The Tennessean Names Tennessee Department of General Services A Winner of Middle Tennessee Top Workplaces 2020 Award
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The State of Tennessee Department of General Services (DGS) is the recipient of a Top Workplaces 2020 honor by The Tennessean. The list of Top Workplaces is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage, LLC. The anonymous survey uniquely measures 15 drivers of engaged cultures that are critical to the success of any organization: including alignment, execution, and connection, just to name a few.
“First and foremost, I want to thank our team for their participation in the survey,” said DGS Commissioner Christi W. Branscom. “For the past two years, we’ve used the results of the Energage survey (that we’re internally promoting as “Raise Your Voice”) as a tool for understanding and improving our department. I think it’s been valuable in those efforts, and I believe the responses to the survey have contributed directly to our ability to strengthen employee engagement.”
DGS received an overwhelming amount of support from employees, with 73 percent of all employees completing the survey and contributing to the ratings that qualified the department for the Top Workplaces accolade.
This year’s results saw significant improvement compared to the results from DGS employees in 2019. The majority of employees who completed the survey agreed with declarations such as “I believe DGS is going in the right direction,” which was the top-rated statement of the 15 culture drivers.
“In times of great change, it is more important than ever to maintain a connection among employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “When you give your employees a voice, you come together to navigate challenges and shape your path forward based on real-time insights into what works best for your organization. The Top Workplaces program can be that positive outcome your company can rally around in the coming months to celebrate leadership and the importance of maintaining an employee-focused culture, even during challenging times.”
In 2019, DGS’ analysis of the survey findings led to the launch of employee engagement initiatives such as the Employee Engagement Task Force, DGS Listens, and DGS Cares. These initiatives will continue this year as the department continues to celebrate its successes while also addressing the challenges presented in the 2020 survey.