
One of the primary responsibilities of STREAM (State of TN Real Estate Asset Management) is to provide management oversight on construction of State capital projects. These projects encompass most of the State’s construction and maintenance type projects across Tennessee with the exception of highway type projects. This work provides numerous job opportunities for construction-related contractors in all areas of expertise on both small maintenance and repair projects up to large complex multiple facility projects.
Contractor solicitations are structured to procure contractors on both a cost comparison and qualitative basis in a competitive manner in accordance with State laws. The most widely utilized procurement method is the Competitive Sealed Bidding approach which is open to all properly licensed contractors. A variation on this method using pre-qualified bidders may be used on certain projects requiring specialized services. Contractors or Construction Managers on large or complex projects may also be procured through a Competitive Negotiation process that considers technical value along with cost.
All contractor opportunities are posted on an ongoing basis under the "Requests for Proposal (RFPs)" tab.
For questions and inquires, please contact Contractors Customer Service at send an e-mail.