Key Documents
Documents for EV-D68 Testing
CDC EV68 Patient Summary Form
Patient summary form limb paralysis - updated
TDH clinical submission req
PPE for Healthcare Providers
TDH MERS - CoV Update 06-12-15
TDH MERS - CoV Screening Form
TDH MERS - CoV Submission Requisition Form
TDH MERS Update - Kainer_20140523
TNHAN ALERT Measles - MERS-CoV_5.19.14
Triage and Patient Assessment for Emergency Departments
Triage and Patient Assessment for Outpatient Facilities
Zika Virus Disease
TDH Recommendations for Local Response to Confirmed Case of Zika Virus Disease (08/15/2015)
Zika fight the Bite Cards (English)
Zika Fight the Bite Cards (Spanish)
Sick with chikungunya, dengue, or Zika? (CDC)
Help Control Mosquitoes that Spread Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika Viruses (CDC)
DRAFT Door-to-Door Script
Important Dates for Local Response to a confirmed Zika Case
Flyer Template - (English) (Spanish)