Healthy Homes - Weatherization

What is weatherization?
How can weatherization benefit health?
How do I know if my home is weatherized?
What are signs of poor indoor air quality (IAQ)?
How can homes be weatherized?
What are the benefits of weatherization?
Who can assist with remediation?
Who is eligible for assistance?
Are there risks with weatherization?
Government partners
Other partners
Helpful resources
What is weatherization?
Weatherization is home improvement done to increase energy efficiency. Examples of weatherization are improved air sealing, insulation, moisture controls and ventilation. A weatherized home will be healthier, safer and more comfortable for living.
How can weatherization benefit health?
Weatherization can maintain or improve respiratory health, mental health, physical safety and wellness. Weatherization better manages temperatures and improves indoor air quality. Homes that get too cold in the winter or too warm in the summer increase the risk residents will develop illness. Homes with poor indoor air quality or asthma triggers increase the risk of illness. Everyone will benefit from a weatherized home. People with preexisting medical conditions like asthma, emphysema or COPD will likely benefit even more. Seniors and other people sensitive to extreme temperatures will also benefit. After their home was weatherized, people report having fewer bad health days and fewer doctor or emergency department visits.
How do I know if my home is weatherized?
Discomfort in your home is a clue it may not be adequately weatherized. If you are experiencing unmanageable temperatures, uncomfortable indoor air conditions, or excess moisture your home will likely benefit from weatherization. A window with moisture condensed between the glass panels is an example of something not properly weatherized. Other examples include a furnace that cannot maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and doors or windows that always seem drafty. A leaky roof is a sure sign of the need for home improvement.
What are signs of poor indoor air quality (IAQ)?
Good indoor air quality is important for healthy breathing. Poor indoor air quality can cause difficulty breathing, dizziness, congestion or headache. It is important to know causes of poor indoor air quality. Uncontrolled indoor temperature and humidity can significantly contribute to indoor air quality. Indoor allergens like dust, pollen, mold, secondhand smoke, and pet hair can cause breathing difficulties. Air pollutants from cleaning chemicals or pesticides can also decrease indoor air quality.
How can homes be weatherized?
Air sealing, insulation, moisture control and ventilation are all types of weatherization. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has recommendations for these four topics:
What are the benefits of weatherization?
A weatherized home saves you money by lowering energy costs and improves the quality of life for those living in the home. Weatherization often saves a noticeable amount of money on your electric or natural gas bills. Weatherization benefits can save additional dollars that might have been spent on medical bills. For example, fewer asthma triggers in a home result in fewer asthma-related medical visits. People with weatherized homes reported cost savings made it easier to pay their energy and medical bills, pay for food, and avoid high-interest loans.
According to the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, after a home has been weatherized, health-related non-energy benefits have been noticed such as:
- Reduced Carbon Monoxide Poisonings
- Reduced Home Fires
- Reduced Thermal Stress on Occupants
- Reduced Asthma-Related Medical Care and Costs
- Increased Productivity at Work and Home Due to Improvements in Sleep
- Fewer Missed Days at Work
- Reduced Use of High-Interest and Short-Term Loans
- Increased Ability to Afford Prescriptions
- Reduced "Heat or Eat" Choice Dilemma Faced by Pregnant Women
- Reduced Need for Food Assistance
Who can assist with remediation ?
Several groups can help you determine if your home could benefit from weatherization. There are home improvement, air quality, and energy efficiency companies who can improve your home. Some weatherization repairs may seem expensive, though many weatherization improvements will pay for themselves over time as you save money on utility bills.
A good place to start is by contacting your energy provider. Many utility companies have websites, newsletters or in-home services to help their customers understand energy consumption and weatherization. Some utilities will even offer an energy audit. They can also find out if you qualify for the U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program.
You may also qualify for the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). This program was established by Congress in 1976 to alleviate the disproportionate energy burden on low-income households. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) serves as the grantee agency for DOE’s WAP in Tennessee. A network of local community agencies and governments provides weatherization services in Tennessee's 95 counties, based on the availability of funding from the federal government. Beyond the federal-based WAP, there may be other energy advocates in your community or region able to help with weatherization.
Who is eligible for assistance?
Information on TDHA’s Weatherization Assistance Program, including the program manual, is available at their website. The program manual discusses some of the eligibility criteria. Interested applicants should contact the agency that serves their county of residence for further information. You can use TDHA’s Weatherization Agency Locator to find who to contact.
Are there risks with weatherization?
While there are many benefits of weatherization, there are possible side effects. For example, with a more tightly enclosed home, there is potential for indoor pollutants to become isolated inside the home. The EPA recommends inspecting ventilation systems, testing for radon, and removing pollutant sources to minimize risks.

Government Partners
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Indoor Air Quality
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
EnergyRight Solutions
Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Support
Other Partners
American Lung Association (ALA)
Healthy Air at Home
Helpful Resources
U.S. Department of Energy Weather Assistance Program
Fact Sheet
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Health and Safety Audit Design Manual