VFC Guidance Documents & Toolkits for Healthcare Providers

Program and Enrollment Guidance

Click here to learn about the Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program's history, purpose, and the role of those involved.

Have questions about  joining the VFC Program and the benefits of becoming a VFC provider?  Get answers by clicking on the links below!


VFC Enrollment 

TN healthcare providers interested in VFC participation may inquire with the VFC Enrollment Team at VFC.Enrollment@tn.gov or at 1-800-342-1813.  Providers are strongly urged to review VFC Provider Handbook and become familiar with Program requirements prior to initiatiating VFC Enrollment and again before completing annual re-enrollment.


VFC Eligibility Screening  Guides

Storage and Handling Tools

Temperature Logs

Vaccine Transportation Guides

Other Forms and Helpful Resources

VFC Program Promotional Materials:

Vaccine Information, Safety, and Reporting Adverse Events:

Proper Vaccine Administration Guidance:

Seasonal Influenza (Flu):