Preliminary Data - Reportable Diseases and Events

Preliminary data is subject to change because of ongoing revision of information and delayed reporting. Careful consideration should be given to any use or presentation of preliminary data. Please see the bottom of this page for changes made to the 2014 reporting processes.

View Preliminary Data by Tennessee Health Region for MMWR Week 21, 2018, in pdf.

Select Diseases and Events Reported to CEDEP through MMWR Week 21 ending May 26, 2018

Select Diseases & Events Reported to TDH Communicable & Environmental Diseases & Emergency Preparedness

2012 through MMWR Week 21 ending May 26, 2018
Disease or Event 2013 2014

2017* YTD* 2017 YTD*
Campylobacteriosis 418 386 774 688 884 263 263 0%
Chlamydia         30494 31055 31609 30824 33914 12712 14359 13%
Cryptosporidiosis 84 121 278 158 195 44 77 75%
Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis 96 101 82 106 118 10 4 -60%
Carbapenem-reducing (CRE)
249 233 416 693 711 278 247 -11%
Gonorrhea  7407 7297 8507 9573 11931 4230 5123 21%
Haemophilus influenzae 112 107 146 146 161 61 66 8%
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) 18 16 14 9 9 1 4 300%
Hepatitis A, acute               21 13 14 10 6 1 16 1500%
Hepatitis B, acute    294 294 313 321 376 145 129 -11%
Hepatitis C, acute             112 190 218 237 207 97 67 -31%
Legionellosis 80 159 121 120 200 56 32 -43%
Lyme Disease            26 16 27 23 38 13 8 -38%
Meningococcal Disease
(Neisseria meningitidis)           
7 7 3 10 6 2 2 0%
Pertussis              244 337 165 125 213 61 45 -26%
Salmonellosis             869 1000 895 1067 950 236 215 -9%
Shiga toxin-producing
Escherichia coli (STEC)
136 150 171 194 191 55 92 67%
Shigellosis             709 803 217 209 284 109 64 -41%
Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis 548 553 605 581 770 53 55 4%
Syphilis             995 1002 1271 1140 1341 388 502 29%
Tuberculosis 143 151 131 104 121 54 70 30%

*preliminary data subject to change

NR = not reportable

#DIV/0! = Division by zero error

Please note changes made to the weekly general surveillance report.

  1. The report now captures reported diseases and events based on Event Date, except for tuberculosis which was not changed. The State’s surveillance system automatically populates Event Date based on the following in hierarchical order: date of onset, date of diagnosis, date first reported to county, date first reported to state, and the date the investigation was created in the surveillance system.

  2. The report now summarizes year to date (YTD) total investigations (including confirmed, probable, suspect, and non-cases) created for all diseases and events, by public health jurisdiction. See YTD – All Conditions on the last page of the weekly general surveillance report.

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