Breastfeeding News and Events
Tennessee Celebrates National Breastfeeding Month !!
August is National Breastfeeding Month! According to the National Immunization Survey (NIS) breastfeeding data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- 75.8% of Tennessee infants born in 2017 were ever breastfed (US = 84.1%)
- Close to half (48.7%) of Tennessee infants born in 2017 were breastfed at 6 months (US = 58.3%)
Nationally, about 87% of Non-Hispanic white women had ever breastfed compared to 74% of Non-Hispanic black women.

2024 National Breastfeeding Month & World Breastfeeding Week Celebrations
*Click HERE to view the 2024 Tennessee Breastfeeding Week proclamation by Governor Lee
Tennessee WIC is proud to support breastfeeding and we’re excited to offer a variety of events around the state in honor of Breastfeeding Month and Week! Check out all the opportunities to get involved below:
Benton County
- Baby and Family Expo – 12-1 p.m. Thursday, September 26th, at First United Methodist Church (269 Post Oak Avenue, Camben, TN).
Campbell County
- Breastfeeding Tea – 10-11:30 a.m., Monday, August 5th, at Woodson's Mall (2221 Jacksboro Pike, Suite A-16, LaFollette, TN).
Carroll County
- Baby and Family Expo – 12-1 p.m., Tuesday, August 20th, at the Carroll County Fairgrounds (201 Fairgrounds Road, Huntingdon, TN).
Crockett County
- Breastfeeding/Prenatal Class - 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Wednesday, August 28th, at the Crockett County Church Activity Building (80 N Johnson Street, Alamo, TN). Key speakers will be talking about successful breastfeeding and nutrition. There will be great door prizes, snacks, and drinks along with Information, goodies, and much more! Family and friends are welcome.
Hamblen County
- World Breastfeeding Week Celebration – 12-3 p.m., Thursday, August 7th, at the Hamblen County Health Department (331 W Main Street, Morristown, TN). Learn about breastfeeding and community agencies that support breastfeeding families in Hamblen County. This event will feature activities and information presented by community partners.
Hardeman County
- Community Baby Shower – 12-2 p.m., Saturday, August 31st at the Hardeman County Health Department (10825 Old Highway 67, Bolivan, TN).
Harriman County
- Community Baby Shower – 12-3 p.m., Friday, August 16th at the Harriman Community Center (630 Clinch Street, Harriman, TN). Pregnant moms and families of children under 3 years old can get assistance from several community providers and lots of free giveaways such as diapers and clothing.
Hawkins County
- Community Baby Shower (Drive-Thru) – 2-4 p.m., Friday, September 27th at the Hawkins County Health Department. Contact the Hawkins County HD for more information at 423-272- 7641 or 423-357-5341. Join in celebrating pregnant and breastfeeding mothers during their annual Baby Shower Drive-Thru event. Families will also have an opportunity to connect and learn about resources in their community, enter into raffle drawings, and receive free snacks.
Knox County
- World Breastfeeding Week Celebration – 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Thursday, August 1st, at the Knoxville Museum of Art (1050 Worlds Fair Park Drive, Knoxville, TN). Breastfeeding Support for All, T-shirt painting, Imagination Library Story Time, over 18 community partners, goody bag and door prizes.
Lawrence County
- Ice Cream Social for Breastfeeding Moms – Friday, August 9th, 12-2 pm at Lawrence County Health Department (2379 Buffalo Road, Lawrenceburg, TN).
Marshall County
- Community Baby Shower - 9:30-11:00 a.m., Saturday, August 10th, Lewisburg Recreation Center (1551 Mooresville Highway, Lewisburg, TN). This will be a get-together for all pregnant and breastfeeding moms and breastfeeding advocates. Call or text Alice Kitts at 865-203-0707 for more information.
Sullivan County
- “Breast Friends” Lunch – 10 a.m. -12 p.m., Tuesday, August 6rd, at Pleasant View Baptist Church (2101 Stadium Drive, Kingsport, TN). This will be brunch for pregnant and breastfeeding women. There will be giveaways, education, networking, and more! To RSVP from Kingsport, please call 423- 530-3564 and to RSVP from Blountville, please call 423-360-2451.
Unicoi County
- Popsicle Party – 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., Friday, August 16th, 12:30-2:30 pm at Fishery Park (615 Fishery Park Road, Erwin, TN). Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can come out with their families to enjoy the park and popsicles. Families will also have an opportunity to connect and learn about resources in their community. Contact Jenny Carter at 423-743-9103 for more information.
Washington County
- "Breastfeeding: Good for Baby, Good for Mom" - 8 a.m-4:30 p.m., 8/1 - 8/15, 1st Floor, Washington County Health Department (219 Princeton Road, Johnson City, TN). Meet your local Breastfeeding Peer Counselors at their Breastfeeding Education table and learn about the benefits of breastfeeding and the Breastfeeding Program. Contact Lisa Lipscomb or Tonia Boston at 423-975-2200
Williamson County
- Monday, August 12th, at the Williamson County Health Department (1324 W Main Street, Franklin, TN) will feature a very creative informational display to promote breastfeeding.