Poisoning/Prescription Drug Overdose

Efforts have focused on education and awareness of prescription drug abuse. To promote proper disposal of prescription drugs, the Tennessee Department of Health has partnered with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to install 163 new secure medication drop off boxes in 88 counties throughout Tennessee. A list of current locations for drop off boxes can be found at: https://tdeconline.tn.gov/rxtakeback/.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): NAS is a condition in which a baby has withdrawal symptoms after being exposed to certain substances. Many times, the baby is exposed when the mother uses substances such as medications or illicit drugs during pregnancy, and after the baby is born (and separated from the mother’s body), the baby goes through withdrawal because it is no longer receiving the substances. Less commonly, very sick babies may receive medications after birth to help control pain or agitation, and once those medications are stopped, the baby may go through withdrawal. For more information about NAS click here.
Programs and resources on posioning and prescription drug overdose:
The Tennessee Poison Center is a comprehensive poison resource center located on the campus of Vanderbilt University Medical Center. For immediate poison help, call 1-800-222-1222.
Count It! Lock It! Drop It! (CLD) program is designed to reduce prescription drug abuse by engaging educators, law enforcement, physicians, pharmacists, and other medical professionals to reduce the diversion of prescription medication. The goal is to create a consistent message in communities to monitor, store and properly dispose of medication. The Department of Health has partnered with the Coffee County Anti-Drug Coalition and the Prevention Alliance of Tennessee to promote this program to 40 coalitions, health councils and other community groups throughout the state. For a list of participating counties, go to: http://www.countitlockitdropit.org/#!clients/ctzx.
Controlled Substance Monitoring Database Program: In accordance with the Controlled Substance Monitoring Act of 2002, the Tennessee Department of Health established a database to monitor the dispensing of Schedule II, III, IV & V controlled substances. Data collection began for all dispensers on December 1, 2006. The Prescription Safety Act of 2012 enhances the monitoring capabilities of the database. The Board of Pharmacy and the Controlled Substance Monitoring Database (CSMD) Committee establish, administer, maintain and direct the functioning of the database in accordance with these statutes.