For Women

Family Planning – Clinical services available at all local health departments across the state. Services include checkups for men and women, reproductive life planning, etc. Fee based on sliding scale.
March of Dimes- Get resources for every stage of pregnancy, before, during, and after.
Pregnancy- U.S. Office of Women’s Health- Get answers to your pregnancy questions. Learn about before, during, and after pregnancy care.
Pregnancy Rights- Know your rights regarding pregnancy discrimination.

Tennessee Eviction Prevention Toolkit – Resources and services for renters and landlords
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Assists low-income households with heating and cooling bills.
Housing Choice Voucher- Rental assistance program
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program- Assists low-income households with water and waste bills.
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Programs- Housing assistant resources for first time homebuyers, homeowners, and renters

Tennessee WIC- Tennessee supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children
Tennessee SNAP – Apply for food and cash assistance.
Summer Food Service Program – meal assistance for children beginning when school closes for the summer and ending when school opens for the fall term.

Tennessee Community Service Help Line
Childcare Vouchers- childcare payment assistance program
Domestic Violence Shelters or Rape Crisis Centers- Find help in your area for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Prenatal Presumptive Eligibility- Medicaid covers prenatal health care throughout pregnancy, delivery, and up to 1 year after delivery. For those pregnant who do not meet Prenatal PE eligibility requirements, the county health department can assist with a CoverKids Pregnant Woman coverage. The eligibility criteria are less strict, but the coverage period is only the date of application through 60 days post-partum.

Breastfeeding- Resources and support for breastfeeding mothers
Breastfeeding Hotline: 855-4BF-MOMS (855-423-6667)- provides 24/7 support and information for breastfeeding and infant feeding.
Breastfeeding Rights- Know your rights regarding breastfeeding discrimination.

Find Help Now - real-time substance use treatment location database.
Growing Inside Free of Tobacco and Smoking (GIFTS)
Nurses for Newborns - in home visitation program to provide mothers and infants with healthcare, education, and support.
TN Redline 800-889-9789 provides accurate, up-to-date alcohol, drug, problem gambling, and other addiction information and referrals to all citizens of Tennessee at their request.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) – 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) TN – Education programs and support groups for people living with serious mental health issues and their families.
Postpartum Support International- promotes awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues in childbearing.

Infant Safe Sleep- Reference for best sleep practices for infants
Newborn Screening- Designed to keep screen infants shortly after birth for treatable conditions.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)- program to help families reduce the risk of losing babies to SIDS.
Child Lead Poisoning Prevention- promotes the prevention of lead poisoning in children and links lead-poisoned children from birth through 6 years (72 months) of age to recommended services.

Kids Central TN – Resources database for families and caregivers to learn about popular parenting topics, track important child milestones, and access vital resources.
Children’s Mental Health- Mental health services and supports for young people and their families.
Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee (CHANT) – Care coordination of medical and social service needs for families through local health departments.
Tennessee Child Care Resources and Referral- Resources for families of young children
Tennessee Voices- Statewide mental health support, referrals, and advocacy for families