Board of Athletic Trainers
Featured Links
- NEW - Effective Date of License Renewal Fee Increase Suspended Until September 4, 2016
- NEW - Legislation Effective January 1, 2016
- NEW - A Message to Educational Institutions and Entities Hiring Athletic Trainers
- Background Checks Required for Those Providing Patient Care
- Volunteer for Mass Emergency Clinics
- Legislative Updates
- Criminal Background Check Required for New Applications

About the Board of Athletic Trainers
The Board of Athletic Trainers was created in 2006 to succeed the Board of Medical Examiners in the licensing of Athletic Trainers. An athletic trainer is a person with specific qualifications as set forth in Tennessee law who, upon the advice, consent, and oral or written prescriptions of a physician, carries out the practice of prevention, recognition, evaluation, management, disposition, treatment, or rehabilitation of athletic injuries, and in carrying out these functions the athletic trainer is authorized to use physical modalities, such as heat, light, sound, cold, electricity, or mechanical devices related to prevention, recognition, evaluation, management, disposition, rehabilitation, and treatment.
The administrative staff of the Division of Health Related Boards support the Board of Athletic Trainers by issuing licenses to athletic trainers who meet the requirements of the law and rules. Renewal notices are mailed from the Board’s administrative office forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the license to the current address on record. Athletic trainers are responsible for renewing their license on time and keeping the Board apprised of current information. Licensure can be renewed on-line one hundred twenty (120) days prior to expiration at Click on the "License Renewal" link and follow the prompts. Failure to renew by the expiration date may result in a fine.
Athletic Trainers may be licensed by either examination or reciprocity from other states when qualifications for Tennessee and the other state are equivalent. Applications for licensure can be obtained by either calling or writing the Board of Athletic Trainers or downloaded from the internet. Board meeting minutes, meeting schedules, and policy statements, which may also impact athletic trainers, can also be viewed at this website.
Contact the Board of Athletic Trainers
To contact the board, call (615) 741-3807 local or 1-800-778-4123 nationwide
665 Mainstream Drive, 2nd Floor
Nashville, TN 37243