
The Tennessee Department of Health has contracted with Bamboo Health to integrate CSMD information into approved Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Pharmacy Management Systems (PMS) using Bamboo Health’s PMP Gateway service. Currently healthcare providers login to the CSMD web portal to query patient data. This integration simplifies the process by automating the request to the CSMD and making the patient report available in the healthcare provider’s clinical workflow. The workflow integration will, in many cases, eliminate the need for providers to navigate to the CSMD website, log in, and enter their patient’s information. Instead, controlled substance prescription records may be obtained within the clinical workflow inside the EHR and PMS.

If your organization is interested in integrating your Health IT system with the CSMD:

1. Visit and create an account.
2. Follow the instructions presented by Customer Connect and complete all required fields.
3. Customer Connect will present the Gateway End User License Agreement (EULA). Only an authorized signer, such as a business owner, should sign the EULA.
4. Customer Connect will present the TN CSMD Gateway Terms and Conditions and send the Terms and Conditions to you via email from Dropbox Sign.

a. On the Terms and Conditions, input the name of your organization exactly as you input it for Customer Connect and as it appears on your organization’s business license.

b. Only an authorized signer, such as a business owner, should sign the Terms and Conditions.

c. The Terms and Conditions is reviewed by the TN CSMD Administrator for accuracy and approval. If not accepted, Bamboo Health will reach out to you for corrections.

5. Your integration request is submitted when Customer Connect presents a confirmation that your application is complete.

• All four documents are required to participate
• All integrations must be approved
• Only authorized decision makers should complete the paperwork

For more detailed information about this initiative, please review the TN CSMD Gateway Integration Welcome Packet.

Through December 31, 2025, the Tennessee Department of Health will cover the licensing fees associated with the integration service for approved practitioners in Tennessee that elect to connect their EHR and/or PMS to Bamboo Health’s PMP Gateway.

We look forward to working with you to improve provider access to critical controlled substance prescription history information and to combat the prescription drug crisis in the State of Tennessee.

If you have any questions, please send an email to or contact Bamboo Health at 833-307-0310.

Gateway Production Support

If you are a Bamboo Health PMP Gateway user experiencing an issue when attempting to access CSMD data via PMP Gateway, the user should first contact the Healthcare Entity's (HCE) IT helpdesk for assistance.

Bamboo Health does not control any aspect of the HCE software system or the state PMP. Any issues related to these applications should be directed to your respective contact.

If it is determined that the PMP Gateway service is non-operational, submit a support request form where you will be redirected to Bamboo Health’s Zendesk application. If this is the first time you are seeking assistance using this option an account will need to be created. When you click “Sign in” or “Submit a Ticket” it will ask you to sign in or underneath it says “New to PMP Gateway Support Center? Sign Up"

Signing up initially only consist of your last name, first name and email address. Once signed up you can add a phone number to your profile to be used to assist anytime you submit a ticket. Following this process will create a service ticket with the Bamboo Health helpdesk to troubleshoot the issue. Please allow up to 24 hours for Bamboo Health to acknowledge your issue.

When creating the ticket, please include in the CC section of the ticket form if you wish TN to be aware of your issue.

In the event that there is a disruption in the PMP Gateway integration service, practitioners should log in to the CSMD to request patient reports at