Frequently Asked Questions

Email and/or fax number for the Board of Dentistry:

Fax: 615-770-7444

I have an address and/or name change, how do I report it?  Currently, you can change your address online at and click on Licensure Renewal.   Name changes must be reported in writing and you must submit a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree.    Name changes with supporting documents can be emailed or faxed.

I want to retire my license, what do I need to do?   The Affidavit of Retirement is available online at  After completing, it must be mailed to the Board’s address.  The Affidavit of Retirement form can also be submitted online

When does my license expire?   Licenses expire on the last day of the month in which you were born.  The year it expires if determined by if you were born in an even or odd year.  If born in an even year, your license will always expire in an even year and if born in an odd year, it will always expire in an odd year.  Example:  You were born November 12, 1989.  Your license will always expire November 30, of an odd year.

Why does “Susie’s” license expire a year (or months) after mine and we were licensed at the same time?  See “When does my license expire” above.  Unless you and “Susie” were born in the same month, your licenses will expire in different months and if “Susie” was born in an odd year and you in an even year, then they will expire in different years.

My check cleared the bank but I have not received by renewal certificate.  It will take 10-14 days to process renewals submitted by mail.  The check is processed before the board office receives the renewal application.  The fastest way to renew is to renew online at and click on Licensure Renewal.  If anything is missing or you have not completed the Jurisprudence Exam for this renewal period, your renewal application cannot be approved.

I mailed/submitted my application in but I have not received my license yet?   Once an application is received, all documents submitted are reviewed and if additional documents are needed, you will be notified.  Until all documents are received and the application file is reviewed and approved by the board consultant, the license will not be issued.  If the consultant refers the application to the board, then it will not be reviewed until the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  You need to allow 4 – 8 weeks for processing and the initial review by the consultant.  This process can be shorter or longer depending on how long it takes for all documents to be received.

I mailed my application in but I have not received my renewal certificate yet?   It takes at least 10-14 days to process renewal submitted by mail.  If you did not sign the renewal or indicated a name change but did not include supporting documents for your name change, it may take longer than 10-14 days.  Please notify us of your name change at least 2 weeks before you try to renew.  The fastest way to renew is to renew online at and click on Licensure Renewal.  If anything is missing or you have not completed the online Jurisprudence Exam for this renewal period, your application cannot be approved for renewal. 

I need to renew my license and I lost/did not receive my renewal application.   You can renew online at and click on Licensure Renewal.  You do not need a paper renewal application to renew online. Each licensee must complete the online Jurisprudence Exam as part of their renewal process each cycle. The exam page can be found on the linked Licensure page. 

I have not received my renewal certificate.   To request a duplicate, you can complete the Application for Duplicate License which is available online at  There is a fee for a duplicate since they are re-printed.

I lost my certificate/wall license, what do I need to do to get another one?   To request a duplicate, you can complete the Application for Duplicate License which is available online at  There is a fee for a duplicate since they are re-printed.

I need a verification sent to another state, how do I request and is there a fee?  You need to request the verification in writing and there is no fee.  The written request must include your name, profession, license number and where the verification is to be mailed.  The request can be emailed or faxed to the board office.

Where can I locate the rules and/or statutes?   The statutes and rules are available online at

How do I reinstate an expired license or reactive a retired license?   Please complete and submit a reinstatement application along with the required fee payment and supporting documentation.  The Reinstatement/Reactivation application is available on our website at

How do I obtain a criminal background check?   For instructions to obtain a criminal background check, please go to:

For applicants living out of state, please note that results are typically received quicker if fingerprints are electronically scanned; therefore, if you are going to be in Tennessee anytime during the application process or live close to the Tennessee border, it may be to your benefit to schedule a fingerprint scan rather than submitting a fingerprint card.

How do I verify the status of a license?    You may verify the license of any health care practitioner or facility in Tennessee via our website at:

Individual:                         Facility:

How many continuing education hours must I complete?  You must obtain continuing education each two year cycle.  The cycles begin on January 1, of an odd year and end December 31 of an even year.

Dentists:  For every two-year period, two (2) hours of the forty (40) required hours must pertain to prescribing of controlled substances, which included the TN Chronic Pain Guidelines.

Dentists with Sedation or Anesthesia permits:  In addition to the above requirements, dentists with sedation or anesthesia permits are also required to obtain four (4) hours each cycle in the subject of sedation or anesthesia.  Permit holders must also verify they have all the equipment and drugs required for the permit during the audit.

Dental Hygienists:   For every two-year period, two (2) hours of the thirty (30) required hours must pertain to the subject of chemical dependency.

Dental Assistants:   For every two-year period, two (2) hours of the twenty-four (24) required hours must pertain to the subject of chemical dependency.

How many continuing education hours may I get online each year?   There is no limit for dentists and dental assistants but dental hygienists can have no more than 50% online or web-based. 

Where do I send my continuing education certificates?   A random audit of continuing education hours is conducted each month.  You do not submit the documentation unless and until requested to do so during an audit.  You must retain documentation of attendance and completion of all continuing education courses and CPR, ACLS and/or PALS certification for a period of three (3) years from the end of the calendar year in which the course is completed.

Does a controlled substance prescribing or chemical dependency continuing education course have to be taken in a live or in-person format? No, these courses can be taken online.

Dentist Questions:

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dentist by exam?  This is applicable to any dentist who has successfully completed one of the following examinations: Southern Regional Testing Agency (SRTA), Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) [formally Northeast Regional Board (NERB)], Central Regional Dental Testing Service (CRDTS), Western Regional Examining Board (WREB) or Council of Interstate Testing Agencies (CITA). Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.01(1) & (2) and the Board’s policy on the ADEX examination for more information. The ADEX examination is accepted. Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) and Council of Interstate Testing Agency (CITA) examinations are accepted if it was the ADEX examination that was administered.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.  

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dentist by criteria?  This allows a dentist who is licensed in another state and has actively practiced or taught for at least five (5) years to be considered for licensure without taking a regional examination. Applicants who have practiced or taught for at least two (2) years BUT less than five (5) years must request the examination scores, a copy of the candidate handbook for the exam taken and any additional information requested by the Board be submitted directly from the examination agency. Any accepted regional examination must never have been failed without subsequently retaking and passing to qualify by criteria approval. Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.01(1) & (3) for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.  

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dentist by dual degree?  This is applicable to a dentist who is licensed in Tennessee as a Medical Doctor and who possesses an active dental license which is in good standing in at least one (1) other state. You may use the Application for Licensure as a Dentist as the Dual Degree Licensure application. However, the supporting documentation is different and you must apply for your specialty certification at the same time you apply for your dual degree license. Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.02 for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.  

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dentist with a limited license?  This is applicable to a dentist who graduated from a non-ADA accredited program with a degree substantially equivalent to either a D.D.S. or D.M.D. degree and has successfully completed a graduate training program in a recognized specialty branch of dentistry from an advanced specialty program accredited by the ADA. This type of license limits the practice location to ADA accredited institutions, dental education programs or in federally-designated health professional shortage areas. Proof of employment to practice in any of these locations is required upon initial application and subsequent renewal of this license. This type of licensure requires a special type of application. Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.03(1) & (2) for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.  

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dentist with an educational limited license?   This is applicable to a dentist licensed in another state and who will be teaching in a dental educational institute. This type of license limits the practice location to programs offered by the educational institution. Upon termination of faculty appointment, the license is void. This type of licensure requires a special type of application. Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.03 (1) & (3) for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.  

How do I apply for a Special Volunteer or Inactive Pro Bono license?  Please refer to Rule 0460-02-.13.  The applications for both of these types of licenses is available online at

What exams are accepted or required?  Currently the SRTA, WREB, CRDTS, CDCA (ADEX) and CITA (ADEX) clinical exams are accepted for licensure by examination. 

·         Applicants for licensure by exam, criteria and for limited licenses must also have successfully completed the National Board examination. 

·         Applicants for educational limited licensure or dual degree licensure are not required to have completed either the National Board of any of the clinical examinations.  

·         Applicants for licensure by criteria, limited, limited educational or dual degree must have passed any of the national board and/or clinical examinations they attempted even if that examination is not required for licensure.

Is a Jurisprudence exam required?  Starting in 2018, the Jurisprudence exam  became a requirement for all applicants for initial registration, reinstatement, reactivation and renewal. The Jurisprudence exam is required to be completed every renewal cycle.

What is the status of my application?  You will be sent a deficiency letter by mail or email after your application is reviewed.  Please allow us 10 to 14 days to review the application and send you the deficiency letter.  Please do not contact the board office five days after you mailed the application since we may not have reviewed it yet.  Application deficiencies can be viewed in the main screen within the online application system. Examinations (National, Regional, and the Jurisprudence) are manually added to the application system by board staff during the initial application review process. The examinations will appear as 'deficiencies' until the application is initially reviewed by staff.

Specialty Certification:  The statutes state that “No licensed dentist shall claim to the public to be a specialist, or be specially qualified in any particular branch of dentistry or to be giving special attention to any branch of dentistry, or claim to limit the dentist's practice to any branch of dentistry, until that dentist has complied with the additional requirements established by the board and has been issued a certificate by the board authorizing that dentist so to do.”   The specialties listed in the rules and statutes are:

(1)       Dental Anesthesiology 

(2)       Dental public Health

(3)       Endodontics

(4)       Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

(5)       Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  

(6)       Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

(7)       Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

(8)        Oral Medicine

(9)        Orofacial Pain                

(10)      Pediatric dentistry (Pedodontics)      

(11)       Periodontics

(12)       Prosthodontics

(13)     Any other branch of dentistry hereafter recognized as a specialty by the American Dental Association and approved by the board.

The statutes also state that oral and maxillofacial surgeons are held to the same standard of care as medical doctors and osteopathic physicians.  The application to apply for specialty certification is online at

Sedation/Anesthesia Permits:  Dentistry must obtain a permit from the Board of Dentistry to administer conscious sedation or deep sedation/general anesthesia. 

·         All antianxiety premedications and all sedation techniques (except nitrous oxide and oxygen) used for children age thirteen (13) and under require a comprehensive conscious sedation permit.

·         All dentists who apply for and hold a sedation or anesthesia permit must provide proof of ACLS certification or PALS certification. The certification must be maintained as long as the permit is active.

·         All dentists who hold a sedation or anesthesia permit must obtain four (4) hours of continuing education is the subject of sedation/anesthesia each continuing education cycle.

The permit applications are available online at

Effective August 12, 2019 - Dental Facility Permits   The rule changes will require dentists who hold a sedation or anesthesia permit on the effective date of the rule to apply for a dental facility permit.

The application for the dental facility permit will need to be submitted to the board prior to the expiration of your dental license.  Only one dental facility permit is required per location.

The Board must approve any individual, organization or agency that inspects the dental facility. The approved individual, organization or agency will be posted on the board’s website for permit holders to access.

An inspection is not required when anesthesia/sedation is administered in a CODA accredited educational institution, hospital setting or federal facility.  Dentists may submit proof of successful completion of an AAOMS Office Anesthesia Evaluation in lieu of the on-site inspection required by the board.

Please read the attached rules carefully.  Before your dental license expires, you will need to apply for the dental facility permit unless an associate or partner in the facility has already applied for the permit that your location.  Each location where sedation/anesthesia is administered is required to obtain a dental facility permit unless the location is a CODA accredited institution, hospital setting or federal facility.

Dentists who practice as a mobile dental anesthesia provider must also apply for a dental facility permit however the inspection is only of the mobile dental anesthesia provider’s equipment and drugs.

If you currently work with or know an individual, organization or agency that provides offices inspections, you may submit their name and contact number for the board to consider for approval.

The application to apply for a dental facility permit  can be located on the board’s website at:

Dentists who hold a sedation permit but no longer wish to use the permit, may retire the permit by emailing the board office at or call 615-532-5073.

A dental facility permit is required of the office where an anesthesia/sedation permit holder practices dentistry and provides anesthesia/sedation services.   If you have a permit but are not practicing in the state of Tennessee you do not need a dental facility permit.   If you are found to be practicing sedation at a dental facility in the state of Tennessee without the required permit you will be turned over to the Office of Investigations and Office of General Counsel for formal disciplinary action and civil penalties.

Can I administer Botox and/or derma fillers?  see April 24, 2014 Attorney General Opinion at


Dental Hygiene Questions:

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dental hygienist by exam?  This is applicable to any dental hygienist who has successfully completed one of the following examinations:  Southern Regional Testing Agency (SRTA), Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) [formally Northeast Regional Board (NERB)], Central Regional Dental Testing Service (CRDTS), Western Regional Examining Board (WREB) or Council of Interstate Testing Agencies (CITA.  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.01 and the Board’s policy on the ADEX examination for more information.  Council of Interstate Testing Agency (CITA) examination is accepted if it was the ADEX examination that was administered.  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.01 for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dental hygienist by criteria?  This allows a dental hygienist who is licensed in another state and has actively practiced for three (3) of the preceding five (5) years to be considered for licensure without taking a regional examination.  Any accepted regional examination must never have been failed to qualify by criteria approval.  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.02 for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.

What do I need to do to apply for licensure as a dental hygienist with an educational limited license?  This is applicable to a dental hygienist licensed in another state and who will be teaching in a dental hygiene educational institute.  This type of license limits the practice location to programs offered by the educational institution.  Upon termination of faculty appointment the license is void.  This type of licensure requires a special type of application.  Please request this application from our office.  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.03 for more information.

·         The instructions are online at

·         The application is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.

How do I apply for a Special Volunteer license?  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.11.  The application for this type of license is available online at

What exams are accepted or required?  Currently the SRTA, WREB, CRDTS, CDCA (ADEX) and CITA (ADEX) clinical exams are accepted for licensure by examination. 

Is a Jurisprudence exam required?  Starting in 2018, a Jurisprudence exam became a requirement for all applicants for initial registration, reinstatement, reactivation and renewal. The exam must be completed for every renewal cycle, or the renewal application cannot be approved. 

What is the status of my application?  You will be sent a deficiency letter by mail or email after your application is reviewed.  Please allow us 10 to 14 days to review the application and send you the deficiency letter.  Please do not contact the board office five days after you mailed the application since we may not have reviewed it yet. Application deficiencies can be viewed in the main screen within the online application system.  

What procedures can I perform?  The scope of practice for dental hygienist is in Rule 0460-03-.09.  The scope of practice also lists procedures that require an additional certification from the board and the prohibited procedures.  The rules are online at

How can I practice under general supervision and/or written protocols?  Please refer to T.C.A. 63-5-108(c) and T.C.A 63-5-115(b) and (d).  The application to practice under written protocol is available online at  There is no application to practice under general supervision if you meet the requirements of the statute.  Please be aware that some procedures cannot be performed under general supervision and/or written protocol.

Local Anesthesia Certification:  This certification must be added to your dental hygiene license prior to administering local anesthesia. 

·         If you took a local anesthesia course in another state and it was not within your CODA accredited dental hygiene program, then the course must be equivalent to the course required in Tennessee.  A letter of completion indicating the course was taught to clinical competency, the number of hours in the course and the curriculum for the course must be submitted directly to the board office from the course for review by the board.

o    If your course is not equivalent, you will be required to complete a Tennessee board approved course and be issued a temporary permit to administer the required injections.

·         If you completed the course within your CODA accredited dental hygiene program, then the program must submit a letter of completion indicating the course was taught to clinical competency.  The letter must be submitted directly to the board office from the program.

·         If you complete a Tennessee board approved course, once your application and the course completion letter are received, you will be issued a temporary permit to administer the required injections.  Once the required injections are completed, you will need to submit the injection form and it will be reviewed by the consultant before the local anesthesia certification is added to your license.  The board approved courses are listed online at

Administering and Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide Certification:  This certification must be added to your dental hygiene license prior to administering and/or monitoring nitrous oxide. 

·         If you took a administering and monitoring nitrous oxide course in another state or a course within your CODA accredited dental hygiene program, then the course must be equivalent to the course required in Tennessee.  A letter of completion, the number of hours in the course and the curriculum for the course must be submitted directly to the board office from the course for review by the board.

o    If your course is not equivalent, you will be required to take a Tennessee board approved course.

·         If you completed the course within your CODA accredited dental hygiene program and it was also approved by the Tennessee Board of Dentistry to provide the course, then the program must submit a letter of course completion directly to the board office.

·         If you complete a Tennessee board approved course, the course provider will submit a letter of completion to the board office.  Once the letter is received and reviewed by the consultant the certification will be added to your license.  There is no application for administering and monitoring of nitrous oxide.  The board approved courses are listed online at

Restorative or Prosthetic Certification:  Both of these certification require that the dental hygienist have a minimum of two (2) years continuous full-time employment within the past three (3) years in a dental practice as a licensed dental hygienist before admission to a board-approved course in restorative and/or prosthetic functions.  The restorative course is 96 hours in length and the prosthetic course is 64 hours in length. 

·         Restorative is defined in the statute as inserting, packing, carving and finishing amalgam and intracoronal nonmetallic restorations.

·         Prosthetic is defined in the statute as taking final impressions for fixed and removable prosthetic appliances.

Once you complete the board approved course, the course provider will notify the board office that you successfully completed the course and the certification will be added to your license.  If you completed a comparable course in another state, the information regarding the content of the course, including the number of hours in the course and proof of completion must be sent directly for the course provider to the board office.  It will then be reviewed for equivalency.  If it is not equivalent, you will be required to take the board approved course before the certification is added to your license.  Please refer to Rule 0460-03-.10 for more information, including the prohibited procedures.  The board approved courses are listed online at

Dental Assistant Questions:

What do I need to do to apply for registration as a dental assistant?  You just need to apply for the registration. No education other than graduation from high school or a GED is required to apply to be registered.

·         The application with instructions, is online at  The application is an online application that you can attach certain documents to before submitting.  You can pay the required application fees online by credit card, debit card or e-check.

What certifications are available to add to my registration?  The applications to apply for the certifications are online at  The application to apply sealants is a separate application. Dental assistants can add the following certifications to their registration:

·                     Dental Radiology (to expose radiographs)

·                     Nitrous Oxide Monitoring

·                     Coronal Polishing

·                     Sealant Application

·                     Expanded Restorative Functions

·                     Expanded Prosthetic Functions

I need an application for dental radiology certification or sealant certification, etc. The certification applications are online at  The application must be completed and submitted to the Board's Administrative Office along with the $15.00 certification fee for each certification that you are applying for.  The course provider will send proof of course completion directly to the Board’s office if you have completed a course that is located in Tennessee.  Most applicants for sealant application certification must complete an externship before the certification will be added.  If you completed a course in another state for any of the certifications that you want the board to consider acceptance of, then documentation, including the curriculum from the course must be submitted from the course provider. 

What exams are accepted or required?  Starting in  2018, the Jurisprudence exam became a requirement for all applicants for initial registration, reinstatement, reactivation and renewal. 

What is the status of my application?  You will be sent a deficiency letter by mail or email after your application is reviewed.  Please allow us 10 to 14 days to review the application and send you the deficiency letter.  Please do not contact the board office five days after you mailed the application since we may not have reviewed it yet.  Application deficiencies can be viewed in the main screen within the online application system after logging into your account.  

What is the fee for registration?  The total fee is $32.50 for the initial application.

Where are the schools/programs in my area?  A list of accredited and board approved dental assisting program is online at  A list of the board approved certification course providers is also listed at that site.

Can I do ________ procedure?  The scope of practice for dental assistants (practical and registered) is available online at in rule 0460-04-.08.  The scope of practice also lists the procedures that require additional certifications and procedures that are prohibited.

Can dental assistants practice without the dentist present in the office?  No, the statute prohibits dental assistants (practical and registered) from practicing without the dentist present in the office.  Dental assistants can only practice under direct supervision.  Direct supervision is defined in T.C.A. 63-5-115 which is available online at