Board of Pharmacy
LexisNexis Law (off site)
LexisNexis Law publishes the Tennessee Code Annotated. This is the only company authorized to publish Tennessee Consumer Laws on the Internet. Follow the directions below on how to use LexisNexis.
§ Title - Chapter - Part
Pharmacy Practice § 63 - 10 - 201
Board of Pharmacy § 63 - 10 - 301
Once you have entered LexisNexis Law web site, on the left side of the page, next to Tennessee Code, change the plus sign to a negative sign by clicking on the plus sign. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the plus sign next to "More…" again changing the plus sign to a negative sign. Continue scrolling down and click on the plus sign next to Title "XX" you want to preview (For you convenience we have listed some of the most popular Titles and Chapters above). Finally, scroll down and click on the plus sign next to the specific Chapter "XX" you want to preview. Highlight the actual words of that Chapter by clicking on it and the law will displayed on the right side of the page for you to review.
To print the Law; on the left side of the page, click in the box next to Chapter "XX", a check mark will display in the box. If you change the plus sign to a negative sign by clicking on the plus sign next to Chapter "XX" you will notice check marks in all the documents below that Chapter, which means you have chosen to print all the Parts within the Chapter. If you only want to print a certain document, place a check mark on that Part only. For example, to print the Beauty Pageants Law, Bonded Credit Services Law or Health Clubs Law only, on the left side of the page, click in the box next to their specific Part "XX" listed under Chapter 18. Then go to the top of the right side of the page and click on Print. This will print only the documents chosen in the table of contents. Click Here to go to LexisNexis Law website.
Click here for Rules and Regulations pertaining to the Tennessee Board of Pharmacy