Physician Reporting under Promoting Interoperability
Tennessee Cancer Registry (TCR) Promoting Interoperability (PI)
This page provides information on how eligible professionals (EPs) can meet the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program for cancer reporting.
Important Note: Physician Reporting under Meaningful Use does not replace hospital and laboratory reporting. Thus, hospitals and laboratories cannot demonstrate cancer reporting under Meaningful Use.
Population-based cancer surveillance is critical in North America for cancer control activities aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of cancer, the second leading cause of death in the United States and Tennessee. Reporting to cancer registries by healthcare providers will address current under-reporting of cancer, especially certain types. In the past most cancers were diagnosed and/or treated in a hospital setting and data were primarily collected from this source. However, medical practice is changing rapidly and an increasing number of cancer cases are never seen in a hospital. Data collection from ambulatory providers presents new challenges since the infrastructure for reporting is less mature than it is in hospitals. Certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Technology can address this barrier by identifying reportable cancer cases and treatments to the provider and facilitating electronic reporting either automatically or upon verification by the provider. Only Eligible Professionals (i.e., individual medical specialists), who directly treat cancer patients and use EHR Technology that meets the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology 2014 Edition or 2015 Edition Certified EHR Technology criteria for transmission to cancer registries may attest to the cancer reporting objective under the EHR Incentive Payment Program.
If you are an eligible provider and would like to register your intent to send electronic cancer data to TCR please use the links below for instructions on how to proceed. All Eligible Professionals must register their intent to submit cancer cases via the Trading Partner Registration (TPR) system, a web-based registration portal. To view a list of training dates and times, visit:
Additional Links
Tennessee Department of Health Promoting Interoperability Summary
Electronic Health Record Incentives & Certification
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CDA Validation Tool