Adult Day Services

Adult day service centers providing care to 5 or more people are required to obtain a license by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) and adhere to licensing requirements; find information about the licensing process here How to Become a Licensed Adult Day Services Center.

Contact information:

Licensing Violations or Illegal Operations To report suspected adult day services licensing violations or possible illegal operations call the Child and Adult Care Complaint Hotline at 1-800-462-8261 or email

Report Abuse, Neglect and / or Exploitation of an Adult 

Adult day services centers are designed to maintain or restore each participant’s optimal capacity for self-care through medical or social services. Adult day services centers provide a place that will help participants to avoid feeling isolated or lonely and helps family caregivers take some time to rest and care for themselves. This program is funded through the Social Services Block Grant.

Adult Day Services

Find licensed adult day services centers:  TDHS-Licensed Adult Day Services Centers

Summary of Rule Ammendments

Click here for the Adult Day Services Rules Guidance Document. Updated information coming soon.