2Gen Partners
The Department of Human Services engages partners to:
- Focus on reducing poverty among children and families using a Two-Generation Approach;
- Create effective pathways to economic opportunity, including access to mainstream education, training and individualized services for those with barriers to employment;
- Ensure that families have access to economic and social supports to support upward mobility, while also assuring healthy child development;
- Help families build social capital that can support both resilience and upward mobility; and
- Engage and listen to the voices of the families.
The Department of Human Services aims to establish various partnerships to provide services with an emphasis on improving education, providing economic supports, promoting health and well-being, and social capital consistent with the 2Gen Approach. The Department is interested in engaging entities, including local government, profit and nonprofit direct service organizations, which have program models, experience and expertise that can provide services to help the Department achieve significant and measurable progress toward placing families on a better path to economic security.
Community partners play a vital role in moving the DHS mission forward under the 2Gen approach. Acknowledging that effective partnerships are essential to moving the needle on poverty, DHS is proud to partner with organizations who are committed to implementing outcome-based services to the children and families of Tennessee.

Updated November 12, 2020
New 2Gen Partners (As of October 1, 2020)
A Step Ahead Foundation Chattanooga
Providing out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention services through education and free access to long-acting, reversible contraception (LARC) to women ages thirteen (13) and up, who reside in the Service Area. Services shall include reproductive health education, family planning, and access to pregnancy prevention services using the two generation approach to reduce the rate of nonmarital births and address the TANF goal of preventing and reducing the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Providing out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention services through education and free access to long-acting, reversible contraception (LARC) to women, ages thirteen (13) and up, who reside in the Service Area. Services shall include reproductive health education, family planning, and access to pregnancy prevention services using the two generation approach to reduce the rate of nonmarital births and address the TANF goal of preventing and reducing the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee
Providing in school and out of school mentoring and family engagement services.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga
Providing in school and out of school mentoring and family engagement services.
Catholic Charities of Tennessee
Providing services through family resource centers to families with low income who reside in the Service Area by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound Services and resources, and community relationships using the Two Generational Approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Chattanooga Hamilton County Hospital Authority
Nurse Family Partnership: Providing evidenced-based home visiting services through the Nurse Family Partnership (“NFP”) program for families (first time expectant mothers) with low income.
Council for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services
Providing family preservation, substance abuse and workforce development services through the Family Way Program to families with low income residing in Hamilton County and surrounding counties by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to support parents with their children (up to age eleven (11)) and pregnant women who have completed residential treatment for substance abuse disorder, provide wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
East Tennessee State University (IMPACT Program)
Providing workforce development and wraparound support for non-custodial eligible low income parents through the Initializing Meaningful Programs for Parents and Children Together program (“IMPACT Program”). Services include an intensive case management service model to connect non-custodial parents to employment and training opportunities; safe, stable housing; wraparound services and resources; parent-child reunification; and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Family & Children's Service – Nashville
Providing services to families with low income residing Davidson County through the Relative Caregiver Program by utilizing a short-term case management service model to connect families to caregiver support groups, respite care, aftercare services, youth/teen activity groups, family advocacy assistance, wraparound Services and resources, and community relationships using the Two Generation Approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing one-to-one mentoring services for girls between the aged of six (6) and eighteen (18) of low-income families residing in Hamilton and Bradley Counties. Services will include providing positive youth development and activities that focus on healthy living, academic enrichment, and supports, and life skills.
Providing family life skills enrichment services through family resource centers to low income families residing in Sullivan and Hawkins Counties through the Community Impact Program by connecting families to enrichment activities, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Healing Word Counseling Center
Providing integrated preventative health and mental health services and coordinated case management services in a faith-based setting, to low income families residing in Shelby County.
Proving family preservation, substance abuse and workforce development services through the Family Treatment program to low Income families residing in Knox County by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to support parents with their children, provide wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generational approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing coordinated case management services and wraparound support services to low income families residing in Shelby County by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to support parents with their children between six (6) weeks and five (5) years old, provide wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing Out of School-Mentoring and Youth Development Services through family resource centers to families with low income utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Mountain State Health Alliance
Providing family preservation, substance abuse and workforce development services through family resource centers to families with low income who reside in the Service Area by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Neighborhood Christian Centers
Providing family preservation, coordinated case management services and wraparound support services to assist low income families residing in Shelby County by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to wraparound services and resources; and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing workforce development services through the Pathway to Persevere program to assist justice-involved low income families residing in Shelby County utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to wraparound services and resources; and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing re-entry services, non-custodial parent case management and wraparound services to program participants with low-income who are transitioning from incarceration into the community by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect program participants with employment and training opportunities; safe, stable housing; wraparound services and resources; parent-child reunification; and community relationships using the two generation approach to put program participants on a path towards economic stability.
United Neighborhood Health Services
Nurse Family Partnership: Providing evidenced-based home visiting services through the Nurse Family Partnership (“NFP”) program for families (first time expectant mothers) with low income.
United Way of Greater Chattanooga
Providing coordinated case management and wrapround services through the Building Stable Lives (“BSL”) program to low income families residing in the zip codes of 37404, 37406, 37407, 37410, and 37411 in Hamilton County, including an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
Providing coordinated case management and wraparound services through the Memphis HOPE program to assist low income families residing in the zip code of 38126, 38106, and 38109 in Shelby County utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the two generation approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
YWCA of Nashville & Middle Tennessee
Providing family preservation and domestic violence services to families with low incomes.
The following partnerships are specific to the Tennessee Child Support Program and case management and resources for Child Support customers
24/7 Dad Program
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
Re-entry Services-Non-custodial Case Management and Wraparound Services
University of Tennessee – Tennessee Child Support Employment & Parenting Program*
Workforce Development and Wraparound Support for Non-Custodial Parents
Parental Assistance Court - Davidson County
Workforce Development, Coordinated Case Management
*Partnership began July 1, 2020
Existing 2Gen Partners
Provision of educational services to at-risk students with low academic performance, attendance, and school behaviors to improve student participants’ academic performance through out-of-school academic enrichment activities and training in workforce skills and job preparation/readiness for low-income families with students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch or parents whose household incomes are below the poverty line
Agape Child and Family Services
Community-based program that provides services to low income families living in the three (3) multi-family apartment communities in Frayser (38127), Hickory Hill/Southeast Memphis (38115), and Whitehaven (38116) through the Agape-led place-based initiative, Powerlines Community Network (PCN). PCN is a place-based, collective impact community transformation initiative, focused on serving at-risk neighborhoods by connecting families to educational and employment services, early childhood and secondary educational supports for children, afterschool/summer enrichment services, wraparound services, community relationships, and other resources within or near their community to put families on a path towards upward economic mobility.
Belmont University - The Store
Community-based program that provides services to eligible, low-income families that reside in the Edgehill or greater Nashville community through the Store and the Belmont Ministry Center. The Store will operate as a year-round free grocery store allowing people to shop for their basic food needs to supplement their income during times of crisis and as they work toward self-sufficiency. In addition, The Belmont Ministry Center (BMC) in collaboration with community agencies and Belmont faculty and students will provide intensive case management and coordination of services such as nutrition education programs, health clinics, legal aid clinics, mental health counseling and pastoral counseling services, music therapy services, and financial literacy sessions for low-income families served at the center
Big Brother Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee
Provision of one-to-one mentoring services for Families First youth ages 5-17 through community-based mentoring or site-based mentoring. Big Brothers Big Sisters focuses on providing youth with the tools to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage. Through mentoring, youth develop esteem, personal responsibility, and vital life skills so that they can achieve socio-emotional competence, avoidance of risky behaviors, and educational success.
Boys & Girls Club of TN Valley (Youth Force)
Community-based program that targets the teens in grades 9-12 to provide job readiness skills, paid internships, career prep, financial literacy, college readiness, career and technical training, and work-based learning experiences to build future employment opportunities that support their career pathways.
Community-based coding program within Memphis Academy of Science (MASE) and Engineering that targets low income high school students. The program will increase the number of computer science courses at MASE to ensure each student has at least one computer science course in HS; increase the number of students enrolled in AP computer science and who pursue computer science degrees in post-secondary pathways; and promote parent and child collaboration through several in-home activities.
East Tennessee State University-Nurse Family Partnership
Develop the Northeast Tennessee Nurse Family Partnership (“NTNFP”) prevention program to identify and select low income eligible or otherwise potentially eligible individuals who are first time expectant mothers no more than twenty-eight (28) weeks pregnant and residing in one of the following northeastern Tennessee counties: Carter, Cocke, Greene, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi or Washington.
Gideon's Army: Grassroots Army for Children
Gideon's Army (GA) focuses on efforts to reduce violence, poverty and truancy for 14-25 year olds in the North Nashville and Casey communities. GA emphasizes youth empowerment and community member leadership, while interfacing with families, juvenile courts and the public school system and strategically executed a long-term, intensive grassroots campaign for Restorative justice resulting in the beginning of city-wide transformation of public schools, juvenile and adult courts, and policing to rebuild systems. Funding will assist agency to build Restorative community-based pre and post arrest diversion program that will reduce violence focusing on Community Building, Violence Interruption, Community Conferencing, and Community Self-Empowerment
Provision of services such as educational and training opportunities that lead to skill development, educational attainment and high-demand jobs for advancement. The program also provides access financial education and asset-building programs, wrap-around case management services and after school academic support for low income families that reside in the Foote Homes Public Housing Development or within 38126 or 38106 zip codes. Academic enrichment and after-school programs for children, grades Pre-K through 12th. We operate through four strategic programs: Family Stability Initiative supports economic advancement/security; Green Leaf Learning Farm supports health and wellness; Universal Parenting Place provides mental health check-ups, counseling, therapeutic groups and alternative therapies toward sound mental health; and our Extended Learning Academies ensure school success
Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Agency
The Resilient Families program provides whole family centered case management and wrap around services to address the needs of each individual in the family. Case managers act as coaches to help families identify their strengths, supports, goals, and create collaborative plans to support families as they work towards self-sufficiency. Staff provide direct services for adults and children such as: childhood programming, after school tutoring, health and well-being education, financial literacy programming, utility and housing assistance, linkages with job opportunities, and supporting parents as they go back to school.
The Family Success Network (FSN) a three-star Early Learning Center includes three facets: (1) free, high-quality early childhood education programming; (2) access to jobs with living wages and pathways up; and (3) practical resources that stabilize and strengthen families. With DHS funding, expand FSN programming to 220 new families over the next three year, deepening education, employment, health and wellness, and social capital services to strengthen family stability and prosperity. MOBC will also work with multisector partners as outlined in this proposal to develop systems-level changes that eliminate structural and systemic barriers to equal opportunity, empowering Cayce Place families to pursue self-identified goals.
BRIDGE (“Building Resources and Initiatives to Develop Growth and Enrichment") to Success program will address career development, educational attainment, and improved health outcomes over four years. B.R.I.D.G.E. is designed to complement and build upon the already implemented Adopt-A-School program, a significant intervention to help produce more minority health service professionals is to enhance the academic preparation of minority students so that more of them are adequately prepared to be considered for medical school, by partnering with Creswell Middle School, McKissack Middle School, and Whites Creek High School. The program focuses on three core principles: 1) Workforce Development with foundational programming in financial literacy and job readiness, 2) Education with foundational programming in parent engagement training, school readiness, and post-secondary success, and 3) Healthy Lifestyles with foundational programming in access to healthcare, mental and physical well-being.
Methodist LeBonheur Community Outreach-Green & Healthy Homes Initiatives
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Housing Navigation to provide healthy housing services for families served by MLCO.
"Next Memphis" program will provide quality childhood education coupled with family wrap-around services.
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army’s 2GTNhome initiative helps families, parents and children, overcome challenges like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education.
Early Steps to School Success uses a two generation approach to service delivery by providing parents with the tools and knowledge to support their children beginning with home visits during pregnancy. KinderBoost fosters strong home/school connections to ensure a smooth transition to school by providing families with materials over the summer and engaging children and caregivers together during the two-week program. Our Social Emotional enhancements provide support to both families and children on handling toxic stress. Of the 8 proposed counties (detailed in section 3), Morgan, Crockett, and Perry Counties do not have services from state Healthy Start, federal MIECVH, or federal TANF. We hire paraprofessionals from within the rural communities to provide intensive, ongoing on-the-job training and technical assistance to implement our programs. Social and Emotional Development Health & Wellbeing Programs to manage toxic stress to reduce ACE’s, therefore decreasing psychological distress by improving health and wellbeing. Early Steps to School Success Parent-Child Groups.
Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services - Memphis Area Legal Services
Provision of civil legal services, counseling, family advocacy, case management, and referral services to low income families, through a Two-Generational approach pilot program in Shelby County.
Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services - Multi-County
Provision of civil legal services, counseling, family advocacy, case management, and referral services to low income families, through a Two-Generational approach. FY2021: Expanding to Davidson, 6 distressed counties: East: Cocke & Hancock; Middle: Scott & Morgan, and West: Hardeman & McNairy
United Way of Greater Nashville (Family Collective)
Community-based program that provides services to low income families residing in Cheatham, Davidson, Robertson, Rutherford, and Williamson Counties through The Family Collective by utilizing an intensive case management service model to connect families to stable housing, wraparound services and resources, and community relationships using the Two Generational Approach to put families on a path towards economic stability.
United Way of Mid-South-Drive to Dream
Systems level project- Develop Driving the Dream system of care referral and data platform The DTD system of care is in the early stages of enhancing the capacity of Memphis & Shelby County’s human services sector to deliver more holistic, person-centered services. Pilot focus: Sector integration, Culture transformation, and Expanded services for TANF-eligible families
United Way of Mid-South-Tax VITA
Earned Income Tax Credit Alliance of the Mid-South (EITCA Mid-South) program, comprised of a collaboration of local, regional, and national partners, provide services and design linkages to enable families that are struggling financially to achieve self-sustaining financial independence. Provide one (1) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (“VITA”) “super site” located in Shelby County, and expanding mobile sites in the counties of Fayette, Lauderdale and Tipton for the purpose of providing free tax preparation, filing of tax returns and direct deposit services for a minimum of 1,000 projected low income clients and families.
Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency
2Gen Families in Transition (2GFIT) Program offers comprehensive case management to connect families to childcare, financial support, job training, transportation, nutrition services, and other social services. Serve using Child Care Food program, Head Start, Self-Sufficiency (STAR), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), transportation, and Substance Abuse program. UCHRA is recipient of Comm Serve Block Grant and is designated Comm Action Agency.
State Department 2Gen Partners
Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Therapeutic Intervention, Education, & Skills (TIES) Program in collaboration with the, Tennessee’s Department of Children’s Services (TDCS) and Centerstone, addresses the complex needs of children ages zero (0) to eighteen (18) years who are in or at-risk of out-of-home placement due to Parental Substance Use (PSU).
The Lifeline Peer Project addresses and reduces the stigma related to the disease of addiction and increase community support that provides for treatment and recovery services such as educational presentations; facilitating communication and coordination of substance abuse treatment and recovery services; referral and linkage to treatment and recovery and mental health support services.
Systems of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT) provides Intensive Care Coordination services to low-income families, with children between ages 0-18, with mental, emotional, or behavioral health needs.
Updated November 12, 2020