American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants

The application period for the third/ final round of Stabilization Grant subawards has ended. TDHS has completed distribution of ARPA Stabilization Grants Round 3.  All stabilization grantees are reminded of their reporting responsibilities.

Reporting and Accountability Post Receipt of Grant Funds

As a Reminder: The Department of Human Services is administering these funds in collaboration with its consultant HORNE who has a team dedicated to supporting recipients of Tennessee’s Child Care Stabilization Grants. HORNE will facilitate the reporting and accountability elements of the grant process.  As listed on the application and the grant contract, agencies that are awarded funds are required to report how those funds were used and status of meeting the certifications. HORNE is supporting these requirements by communicating to agencies after funds have been distributed and assisting agencies, at no cost, with submission of the required reports and expense verifications. 

You will receive an email from the HORNE TN Child Care Stabilization Grant Support Team shortly after receiving your funds.  That email will include a copy of the Expense Tracking Workbook. Detailed instructions on how to complete the workbook will be included in the file provided. You should add expenses to this workbook as they are incurred, and expenses should only be added to this workbook if you have documents supporting the expenses in your records.

Questions about grant reporting and requirements for all rounds, including technical assistance with the Child Care Stabilization Grant Portal, may be directed to Horne LLP. Their support team is available Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Central and may be contacted at or 866-960-4180. 

To help you recognize communications from HORNE, emails from will contain the subject line “CC Stabilization Communication”. When you see an email from this address with this heading in the subject line, please review the message and act in order to meet your grant reporting requirements.