Social Media Guidance
We would like to remind you to be careful what information is available about you on any social networking site. It is always good practice to make sure you control your privacy settings to protect important information that may be on your profile.
It is also highly encouraged that you limit personal identifying information from being disclosed to the public. This information includes but is not limited to name, official email address, home address, telephone number or anything else that can be used to identify an individual. It can be used to steal your identity.
As always, be weary of viruses that can be incurred while utilizing a socially networked site, or any other Web site.
Before posting, check all photos for indicators in the background or reflective surfaces; also check filenames and file tags for sensitive data, such as your name, the organization or other details.
Social Media Guides
National Guard Social Media Guide
Tennessee Military Department Social Media Guide
Personal Social Networking accounts are posted by individuals and do not necessarily represent the Tennessee National Guard or Tennessee Military Department. The Tennessee National Guard and Tennessee Military Department do not prefer nor endorse any specific social network site.