RECOMMENDED: Select your entity before using the 'search all data' function
You may choose one, or more than one, run time option.
PLEASE NOTE: ANY query can be run – at any point in time. All run times are merely recommendations by Benefits Administration.
Query Name
When to Run
Intended Results
Shows who is enrolled in flexible benefits. Use the date 01/01/Current Year to remind employees to sign up for the following year during AE. Lists employees NOT participating in the Deferred Compensation Program. TN_BA125_LVE_WOPAY_FOR_MT_22M Lists paycheck deduction information by plan and/or payrunid. TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE Listing of all Child Legal Verified dependents (or CV) who are attached to a current health benefit enrollment. Includes any life insurance plans. Lists addresses that have been updated for an agency. TN_BA378_UNVERIFIED_DEPENDENTS TN_BA308_SM_HIRED_AFTER_15TH TN_BA420_WELLNESS_INCENT_PAY For new hires: ALL + Beginning Event Date - Ending Event Date Shows all health enrollments and job info for prompted department. To id active employees with address issue that will not show up on 834 files. TN_BA219_NEW_HIRE_ESS TN_BA01_DEPENDNT_DEMOG TN_BA103_DEP_AGE_26_NEXT_MONTH Provides an audit of all elections made by your employees in ESS after 10/1/20. For employees enrolling more than once, each enrollment will show with a date and time stamp. Shows dependents approaching their 26th birthday (also known as "age out") based on a date range – such as 60 or 90 days. Date From - Date To + LGGA1 + "NP" TN_BA162_VIEW_PAYCHECK Lists higher education employees who are enrolled in medical insurance. Shows everyone hired after the 15th of the month. They will be billed for their first month's premium on the 15th of the following month. If they start too late in the month to have enough money to deduct their premiums, they will be double deducted at the end of the month. Lists all employees that will have a retro deduction listed on the paycheck - The retro can be positive or negative depending the situation. TN_BA285_UTTBR_ENROLLMENTS TN_BA234_UT_TBR_TERMS_BY_DATE TN_BA_AGENCY_QUERY_LIST TN_BA432_EMPLS_TERMED_BY_DATE2 Shows all UT/TBR terminations during the specified time entered. Shows coverage as of the prompt date. This query can also be run anytime. This query also includes vision. From Coverage Begin Date - To Coverage Begin Date TN_BA229_DEF_COMP_DED_BY_EMPL For local education active teachers – Shows the specific deduction for everyone in your agency, employee portion and employer portions. (Used as a budgeting tool for agencies.) Audit of eForms. HETBR/HEUTN does this query not apply to state or LE? As Needed TN_BA207_IND_EVENTS Schedule ID: OEGYY Shows all dependents terminated (for any reason) from the date entered in the prompt. Can also be used for special qualifying event or SQE. TN_BA209_HLTH_INS_PREM_AGENCY Edison ID or SSN Lists the number of employees for an agency not in deferred compensation (does not show employee names). TN_BA376_NEW_HIRE_ELECTIONS Shows employees entered into Edison with an invalid county. Lists dependents with a temporary or invalid SSN as their primary. Lists employees eligible but not enrolled in medical coverage. TN_BA133_AUD_ENTRY_VS_ELCT_DT Lists incapacitated dependents. TN_BA420_HSA_DEPOSIT_WELLNESS TN_BA219_AETP_FLEX_ENROLLMENTS Lists employees who are active in job but have a date of death on personal data. Department ID TN_BA142_TEMP_PRIMARY_NID_DEP Shows who does not have an email address listed or if the email is invalid. Shows all personal and job information for an agency’s active employees – like an access ID. Lists dependents ineligible for benefits and the effective date. Shows state employees (in your department) not participating in Deferred Compensation. TN_BA282_INVALID_EMAIL TN_BA229_COUNT_STATE_EMPLS Used to identify Child Legal Verified dependents (or CV) who have proof received checked but are not on coverage. Date From - Date To + HETBR or HEUTN + "NP" TN_BA172B_RETRO_DEDUCTIONS Coverage Begin Date List of wellness money moved to HSA account, by employee id and pay check date. do we want to put OEG in quotations? add 'as of prompt date' in results TN_BA103_VER_LEGAL_DEP_NO_COVG Coverage Begin Date + MM/16/YYYY + Last Day of the Month Date From - Date To + first 5 digits of Dept # + "TN" Identifies those who will be double deducted for benefits coverage. After running the query, the current payback field will show the additional amount to be deducted. List job data for those hired with an open event or non ess enrollments defined. Lists paycheck imputed income deductions on confirmed paychecks within the Pay End Date range. Note: Payroll needs to be confirmed in order for the query to pull results with most current data. TN_BA346_NP_EMAIL_AUDIT From Action Date - To Action Date Schedule ID: OETYY Weekly 1st – 15th of the current month you are in Shows employees’ dependent demographics – including the date of the last update. Shows changes made to disability plans during OE. Coverage Begin Date: MM/01/YYYY change prompt to Retro Pay Period End Date shows who has made changes to their life plans during Annual Enrollment. Shows both old and new coverage. For local education active teachers – Shows individuals with access to your employees’ information and the type of access they have. do we want OEG in quotations? Pay end date TN_BA219_OE_NOT_SUBMITTED Shows the specific total deduction amount for each budget code, employee portion and employer portion (used as a budgeting tool for agencies). Last hire date from - last hire date to TN_BA434_NP_PART_TIME Lists all employees that will have a retro deduction listed on the paycheck. The retro can be positive or negative depending the situation. prompt should be same as above query with the 01/01/20YY TN_BA201_SECURITY_BY_BUS_UNIT State Shows employee elections made through ESS with a date/time stamp after 10/1/2020. If the employee submits the enrollment multiple times, it will show on this report. Pulls everyone enrolled in basic and voluntary life as of prompt date. Lists all employees that will have a retro deduction listed on the paycheck - The retro can be positive or negative depending the situation. Listing of dependents who are approaching the age of 26 next month (as well as the month following the current month when running the query). Current health benefit enrollment information attached to this query. This query also shows dependents attached to current life insurance plans. Can also be used for special qualifying event or SQE. Shows new dependents added by employees through ESS (can be used for new hires or during AE). TN_BA229_COUNT_DEFERRED_COMP Shows the specific deduction for everyone in your agency, employee portion and employer portions (used as a budgeting tool for agencies). Identifies those who are grandfathered into the state plan through your agency. TN_BA133_AUD_ESS_AFTER_OCT_20 Shows all workers comp employees with Arrears on their account. The amount of arrears is listed on the query. List data for those hired with an open event or non ess enrollments defined. TN_BA383_HEALTH_ENROLL_BY_DEPT TN_BA15A_HOLD_COVERAGE_ARREARS Approvals begin date - approvals end date TN_BA416_INVALID_DEPN_SSN Provides information for all potentially benefits-eligible part time employees under PPACA for military and interns. Provides most recent life insurance beneficiary selections made by employees. Returns basic job info for the employee keyed in prompt. Lists employees participating in the Deferred Compensation Program. TN_BA103_LEGAL_GUARDIAN_AGE_18 Lists all Employees that have been termed or retired by date range Edison Employee ID TN_BA207_DEP_TERMS TN_BA172_RETRO_DEDUCTIONS Lists the number of employees for an agency in deferred compensation (does not show employee names). Lists employees on payroll and past due that BA plans on canceling if they do not pay. HE Users who submitted their enrollment but the submitted rows do not show on the TN_BA133_AUD_ESS_AFTER_OCT_20 query. TN_BA333_ACTIVE_WITH_DOD Quarterly Pulls NP employees who are part time and not assigned an ABC role. After Annual Enrollment Monthly Date From - Date To + LETEA or LETEO + "NP" Listing of all Child Legal Verified dependents (or CV) who are attached to a current health benefit enrollment. TN_BA354_MEDICAL_HOC_DEPS TN_BA313_ADDRESS_CHANGES Allows you to see anyone actively enrolled in billing. Shows new dependents added by employees through ESS. Provides information for all potentially benefits-eligible part time employees under PPACA. TN_BA142_TEMP_PRIMARY_NID_EMPL TN_BA392_ADDRESS_ISSUE_834 TN_BA265_OE_ELTNS_ESS_AF_OCT20 TN_BA312_WCP_WITH_ARREARS TN_BA216_BUDGET_QUERY TN_BA219_AETP_INS_ELECTIONS should be NHE not ALL in prompt For local education active teachers or local education suppor staff – Shows the specific total deduction amount for each budget code, employee portion and employer portion (used as a budgeting tool for agencies). Shows individuals with access to your employees’ information and the type of access they have. Effective Date: MM/01/YYYY TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS TN_BA246C_LIFE_AGE_RED Shows employees receiving a reduction in life insurance coverage based on reaching an age milestone (65, 70, 75 yrs old). The life insurance coverage reduction occurs in the month after whichever month was used for the prompts. Lists all employees and dependents enrolled in medical. From date - To date For new hires: NHR + Beginning Event Date - Ending Event Date TN_BA327_RGF_PTN_EMPLS TN_BA219_BASIC_VOL_ADD_ELECT LGGA - your agency tier level # Pay run id: YY"SM"MMDD + plan type: 00, 10, 11, 14, etc. Listing of all Child Legal Verified dependents (or CV) who are approaching the age of 18 and are attached to a current health benefit enrollment. Includes any life insurance plans. Can also be used for special qualifying event or SQE. TN_BA103_CHILD_AGE_26 TN_BA266_EMPL_NOT_IN_DEF_COMP TN_BA435_COBRA_ENROLL_CURRENT TN_BA361_STATE_FULL_TO_PART Shows who has not submitted an enrollment, including those who have made changes in ESS but have not submitted their enrollment. They will need to go back and submit for the changes to take effect. Schedule ID: OESYY TN_BA266_EMPLS_IN_DEF_COMP TN_BA219_AETP_LIFE_ELECTIONS TN_BA162_PAYCHECK_DEDUCTIONS Shows the specific deduction for everyone in your agency, employee portion and employer portions. (Used as a budgeting tool for agencies.) OE + Beginning Event Date - Ending Event Date TN_BA162_PAYCHECK_IMPUTED_INC Edison ID + From Period End Date - To Period End Date LETEA/LETEO TN_BA351_TN_HOURS_FOR_MIL_INT TN_BA323_INCAPACITATED_DEPS TN_BA361_REHIRE_WITHIN_13_WKS TN_BA403_EFORM_APPROVALS TN_BA229_COUNT_NOT_IN_DEF_COMP LE LG None TN_BA104_ELIGIBLE_NO_MEDICAL TN_BA164_INVALID_COUNTY TN_BA302_PERSON_AND_JOB Shows if any state employee has been changed to part-time status, or retirees who have been re-hired within 13 weeks as 120-day employees. Schedule ID: OEHYY Cobra enrollments with coverage begin date as of current system date. For new hires: NHE + Beginning Event Date - Ending Event Date Shows all elections made in Edison during specific date range. Effective date from - Effective date to TN_BA385_HIRE_BENEFITS_STATUS TN_BA350_TN_HOURS_FOR_BENEFITS Pay run id: YY"NP"MMDD + plan type: 00, 10, 11, 14, etc. First 5 digits of Dept # Listing of all Child Legal Verified dependents (or CV)who are attached to a current health benefit enrollment. Includes any life insurance plans. Shows dependents with a temporary Social Security Number. If you do not have the permanent SSN, you will need to get this information from the employee. Can also be used for special qualifying event or SQE. Used to check the security roles and department id access for an employee before completing a security form. Lists email addresses for all employees. this should be SM I believe, not NP for state TN_BA229_COUNT_120_DAY_EMPLS TN_BA311_ESS_NEW_DEPENDENTS Shows employees missing a home address in Edison. Retro Pay Period End Date Shows who has made changes to their health insurance during AE. Shows old new coverage. Lists the queries that an ABC has access to run. Measurement Period Begin Date - Measurement Period End Date TN_BA195_HCM_SEC_BY_EMPLID Shows who is enrolled in short-term and/or long-term disability (as of prompt date). TN_BA278_DOUBLE_DED_ARREARS Shows employee deferred compensation deductions. TN_BA297_LOA_IN_BILLING From Pay End Date and Thru Pay End Date Shows employees’ dependent demographics – including the date of the last update. Local education active teachers use the prompt LETEA. Local education support staff use the prompt LETEO. Shows the deductions an employee has for a specific time frame. Identifies dependents whose box on the update dependent/beneficiary page is unchecked – indicating they are unverified. TN_BA219_DISABIL_COVERAGE Edison Employee ID + paycheck date from - paycheck date to List of wellness incentive pay on paycheck, by employee id and check date. TN_BA103_LEGAL_GUARDIAN_ALL TN_BA355B_CUR_BENEFS_BY_EMPLID TN_BA408_JOB_INFO_BY_EMPLID Shows employees who have been on Leave of Absence for more than 22 months. Shows the number of 120-day employees in each agency. Shows number of employees in each department number (does not show employee names). Keyed Since Date TN_BA233_MISSING_HOME_ADDRESS As of Date Event Date: 01/01/20YY TN_BA219_AETP_DISBLT_ELECTIONS Shows state employees terminated then rehired within 13 weeks. During Annual Enrollment Beginning of Next Month (MM/01/YYYY) - End of Next Month TN_BA229_LIST_NOT_IN_DEF_COMP Shows who has not submitted an enrollment, including those who have made changes in ESS but have not submitted their enrollment. These employees will need to go back and submit for the changes to take effect. Look for the employees with "SAVED" in the "Saved but not submitted" column in the query. Shows employees with a temporary Social Security Number. If you do not have the permanent SSN, you will need to get this information from the employee.