Know Your Health e-newsletters
Know Your Health e-newsletters (past issues)
JANUARY: Understanding Your Health Insurance Choices
FEBRUARY: Got Questions about Health Care Costs?
MARCH: Have You Visited Our Website Lately?
APRIL: What is an EOB, and Why Do I Need It?
MAY: Don't be Shy About Talking with Your Doctor
JUNE: What are the Medical Plan Documents, and When Do You Need Them?
JULY: Annual Enrollment for 2024 benefits
AUGUST: Adding Dependents to Your Health Plan
OCTOBER: Who Do You Call When You Need Benefits Help?
NOVEMBER: Great American Smokeout
DECEMBER: Holiday Struggles are Real
JANUARY: COVID-19 information
FEBRUARY: Tennessee's mental health
MARCH: Virtual physical therapy
APRIL: New Law Prevents Surprise Medical Bills
MAY: May is Mental Health Month
JUNE: Achieve Your Wellness Goals
JULY: Making Informed Decisions for Your Health
AUGUST: We’re Your ParTNer for Health AND Wellness
NOVEMBER: November is American Diabetes Month
DECEMBER: Mental Health and the Holidays
JANUARY: Insurance benefits reset; COVID-19 vaccine
FEBRUARY: COVID-19 vaccine and your benefits
MARCH: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
APRIL: COVID-19 vaccine update
MAY: Stay a step ahead with preventive care
JUNE: Compare health care facilities in your area
JULY: Communication is key to quality health care
AUGUST: Flu shots, vaccines are free for members
SEPTEMBER: Annual enrollment for insurance benefits
OCTOBER: What to know about booster shots
NOVEMBER: Medical care from anywhere, at anytime
DECEMBER: Don't wait to use your benefits
FEBRUARY: Trust, but verify. Not all hospitals are equal
MARCH: Virtual and online resources for medical care and well-being
APRIL: COVID-19 information that matters to you
MAY: Tips to consider to stay safer out in public
JUNE: What to know about your insurance options: CDHP/HSA
JULY: Preventive Care: Stay a step ahead of health problems
AUGUST: Learn about your medical care network choices
SEPTEMBER: Annual Enrollment is here
OCTOBER: It's flu season. Here's what to know
NOVEMBER: Dealing with 'Pandemic Fatigue'
FEBRUARY: Preventive care
MARCH: Prescriptions and care savings
APRIL: Consumer-driven Health Plan (CDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA)
MAY: Explanation of Benefits
JUNE: Hospital grades
JULY: Understanding your Explanation of Benefits
AUGUST: Tips and advice
SEPTEMBER: Annual enrollment
OCTOBER: Flu season
NOVEMBER: Health providers; hospital safety
DECEMBER: Health benefits reset; acupuncture
JANUARY: Know Your Health
FEBRUARY: Hospital safety
MARCH: Hospital survival guide
APRIL: Risky and wasteful medical care
MAY: Questions for your doctor
JUNE: When and what treatment is needed
JULY: Know your providers
AUGUST: Finding the right doctor
OCTOBER: Health awareness
NOVEMBER: Diabetes awareness
DECEMBER: Antibiotics and superbugs