September 2014
Tab 1 - Minutes of June 2014 Meeting
Tab 3 - Biennial Report
- Memo to Commission
- Biennial Report—Final Report for Approval
Tab 4 - Dealing with Blight: Impediments Posed by Foreclosure and Tax Delinquency
- Memo to Commission
- Dealing with Blight: Impediments Posed by Foreclosure and Tax Delinquency—Final Report for Approval
Tab 5 - Requiring Sprinklers in Places of Worship (House Bill 1649 by Hill, T.)
- Memo to Commission
- Fire Sprinkler Requirements for Places of Worship—Draft Report for Review and Comment
Tab 6 - Taxing Low Income Housing Tax Credits (Senate Bill 1671 by Southerland)
- Memo to Commission
- Attachment 1 -Learning from the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (by Barry Zigas, Consumer Federation of America)
- Attachment 2 - Appraising Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Real Estate (by Kenneth N. Alford, MAI and David C. Wellsandt)
- Attachment 3 - Is a Consensus Emerging on LIHTC Property Valuations (by Douglas S. John, Esquire)
- Panel on Financing Low-Income Housing
- Panel on Valuation of Low-Income Housing for Tax Purposes