January 2015
Videos of the meeting are available for viewing: January 28 and January 29.
Tab 1 - Minutes of November 2014 Meeting
Tab 2 - Commission and Staff Updates
Tab 3 - School Board Budget Line-item Authority for City Councils and County Commissions (Senate Bill 1935 by Johnson)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval
- Appendix A - Legislation (House Bill 2293 by Durham)
- Appendix B - Legislation (Senate Bill 1935 by Johnson)
- Appendix C - Administrative Costs Defined by the Tennessee Department of Education
Tab 4 - Model Workplace Civility Policy for State Agencies and Local Government (Public Chapter 997, Acts of 2014)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval (Note: the model policy included in the report has not been adopted by the Commission)
UPDATE: In 2019, the Tennessee General Assembly passed Public Chapter 214 which extended the protections of the Healthy Workplace Act to private employers. It also added language that clarified that the Healthy Workplace Act does not create a cause of action against an employer who does not adopt a policy that conforms to the requirements set out in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 50-1-503(b).
- Appendix A - Legislation
- Appendix B - Opinion of the Attorney General, 15-01
- Appendix C - Workgroup Members
- Appendix D - Resources
Tab 5 - Municipal Boundary Changes and Comprehensive Growth Plans (Public Chapter 707, Acts of 2014)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval
- Appendix A - Public Chapter 707
- Appendix B - Clarifying Statutory Language
- Appendix C - Annexation Methods in the 50 States
- Appendix D - County Populations and Projections
Tab 6 - Assessing Value of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits for Property Tax Purposes (Senate Bill 1671 by Southerland)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval
- Appendix A - Legislation
- Appendix B - Comparison of Taxes Owed Over 30 Years Resulting From Different Valuation Approaches
Tab 7 - Panel on Uninsured Motorist Identification and Enforcement (House Bill 2457 by Lundberg)
- Memo to Commission
- Attachment A - Legislation
- Attachment B - IRC's Uninsured Motorists Estimates by State, 2012
- Overview of the Online Insurance Verification System - Presentation by Matthew Hudnall, Senior Associate Director, Center for Advanced Public Safety, University of Alabama
- Insurance Verification Systems Best Practices - Presentation by G. Bart Blackstock, Executive Vice President, Insure-Rite, Inc.
Tab 8 - Civil Protection Against Invasion of Privacy Using Enhanced Recording Devices (House Bill 1855 by Williams, R.)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval
- Appendix A - Legislation
- Appendix B - Amendment
- Appendix C - California Privacy Protection Act
Tab 9 - Homeowners Associations (House Bill 2070 by Farmer)
- Memo to Commission
- Final Report for Approval
- Appendix A - Legislation Included in This Study
- Appendix B - Glossary
- Appendix C - Uniform Condominium Act Sections Not in the Tennessee Condominium Act of 2008
- Appendix D - 50 States' Condominium and Homeowners Associations Law
- Appendix E - Uniform Laws Section Comparison
- Appendix F - Condominium Act Summary
- Appendix G - Uniform Planned Community Act Summary
- Appendix H - Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Summary
- Appendix I - Uniform Common Interest Owners Bill of Rights Act
- Appendix J - Comparison of HOA Statutes and Model Acts by Topic
Tab 10 - Annual Tennessee Valley Authority Payments in Lieu of Taxes