Victim Services

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation launched the Victim Services Program in 2015. The purpose of the program is to ensure the victims and witnesses involved in TBI investigations are informed of their rights, the investigative process, and the criminal justice process, as required by federal and state law, along with a myriad of supportive services. Needs of victims are met through crisis intervention and counseling, advocacy, education, and information and referrals for victims of crime and trauma.
The mission of the Victim Services Program is first and foremost to uphold the TBI’s mission: “That guilt shall not escape nor innocence suffer.” Victim Services will ensure that TBI’s mission is upheld by providing nonjudgmental social, informational, and practical support to all crime victims and survivors working with TBI. Victim Services will promote safety, healing, justice, and rights for victims and survivors. Additionally, Victim Services will ensure a voice for victims and survivors through the implementation of victim-centered policies and practices.
Victims' Rights
- The RIGHT to confer with the prosecutor about their case.
- The RIGHT to be free from harassment, intimidation, and abuse throughout the criminal justice system.
- The RIGHT to be at all proceedings where the defendant has the right to be present.
- The RIGHT to be heard, when relevant, at all critical stages of the criminal justice process as defined by the General Assembly.
- The RIGHT to be informed of all proceedings, and of the release, transfer or escape of the accused or convicted person.
- The RIGHT to a speedy trial or disposition and a prompt and final conclusion of the case after the conviction or sentence.
- The RIGHT to restitution from the offender.
- The RIGHT to know about each of these rights established for victims.