Brain Development
Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Harvard Center on the Developing Child was founded in 2006 to drive science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity. The Center catalyzes local, national, and international innovation in policy and practice for children and families. These ideas are tested and implemented in collaboration with a broad network of research, practice, policy, and philanthropic leaders to seek transformational improvements in lifelong educational achievement, economic security, and physical and mental health.

The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) is a multi-disciplinary initiative that connects early brain and biological development and children's mental health with addiction research, prevention, and treatment. The AFWI seeks to translate current research into sound policy and practice on behalf of Alberta families.

How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development, October 10, 2013- Palix FoundationThe Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) launched an animated video that presents the core story of brain development in an accessible and visually engaging format for public audiences. The AFWI developed the video with considerable input from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and the FrameWorks Institute. Using metaphors developed by FrameWorks and tested with audiences both in the US and in Alberta, “How Brains are Built” infuses core story concepts with energy, accessibility, and high fidelity to the science.

Yale Edward Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy. Research and policy analyses are conducted at the Zigler Center, in order to fulfill the Center's mission of improving the well being of children and families by bringing objective child development research into the policy and public arenas.