Tennessee Building Strong Brains Goals
- Increase the potential that every child born in Tennessee has the opportunity to lead a healthy, productive life.
- Raise public knowledge about ACEs.
- Impact public policy in Tennessee to support prevention of ACEs and to reduce community conditions that contribute to them.
- Support innovative local and state projects that offer fresh thinking and precise measurement of impact in addressing ACEs and toxic stress in children.
- Seek sustainable funding to ensure the state maintains a long-term commitment to reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences.
- Embrace open, responsive governance through statewide planning groups and the Three Branches Institute , comprised of leadership from the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, who were invited by the Governor to form a common agenda to advance child welfare and realign the juvenile justice system.
Training for Trainers
An application for upcoming ACEs Train the Trainer event is available through October 2018.