Public Affairs & Community Relations
James K. Polk Building, Suite 700
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Phone: 615.741.7736
Fax: 615.741.9093
Alex Denis
Assistant Bureau Chief of Public Affairs/Strategic Communications
Beth Emmons
Director of Community Relations/Communications
The Assistant Bureau Chief of Public Affairs leads the Communications/Community Relations Division. The Director serves as the chief spokesperson for the agency. The mission is to provide leadership in promoting TDOT, integrating the concerns of our customers into our processes and promoting a consistent message. This involves conducting community outreach activities, managing public meetings and hearings, establishing relationships with the news media and community groups, assisting the general public in accessing TDOT's services, answering questions and concerns, and providing better communication both inside and outside the department. In addition to headquarters communications, constituent services and public involvement staff, each of TDOT's four regions have a Regional Communications Officer.