Middle Region
Middle Region
The Middle Tennessee Region consists of 33 counties east of the Tennessee River.
The communities involved range from the smallest unincorporated areas to the capitol city of the state, Nashville.
Regional offices are established to improve services to the local emergency management directors and agencies in the area. Services include technical guidance, information on federal and state requirements for emergency management, updates on law and regulations, technical advice on grants, NIMS and other reports required for federal funding, information on other training, and a rapid avenue to submit requests for state or other external mutual aid or assistance.
The region consists primarily of rolling hills, and includes the major rivers, the Tennessee and Cumberland.
Major Hazards include: Severe weather, hazardous materials due to the transportation nexus in Nashville and prevalence of chemical industry facilities and flooding.

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Middle Region Office
1200 Foster Ave. Bldg. K-4
Nashville, TN 37210
(615) 741-7342
(800) 422-7342
Fax (615) 741-0498