Public Notice and Comment Opportunities
Public comments on agenda items and non-agenda items are welcome at any regularly scheduled public Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting. Please see the Commission meeting schedule for dates and additional details.
The following items are available for public comment, according to the opening and closing dates indicated:
Public Notices
Notice of Grant TN-W-F23AF01303 Environmental Compliance
The environmental compliance evaluation review under the National Environmental Policy Act for work proposed under grant TN-W-F23AF01303 is complete. No further environmental documentation is required for the construction of Doe Mountain Shooting Range in Johnson County, Tennessee.
2025 Fishing Regulations Public Comment Period Is Open
The comment period will be open from January 15-February 15. Follow the link below to provide input on the proposed regulations.
Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Agricultural Field Leases (Farm Contracts)
Revenue Leases on Agricultural parcels
State of Tennessee Agricultural Leases Available in Rhea, Hamilton, Meigs, and Polk Counties
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency announces the intention to award 4 separate Service leases, for a term of 5 years, on agricultural parcels on WMAs Located in:
(1) Rhea and Hamilton County: Yuchi Refuge and Chickamauga WMA
(2) Meigs County: Hiwassee Refuge Armstrong Ferry
(3) Meigs County: Hiwassee Refuge Blythe’s Ferry
(4) Polk County: Patty Bridge Boat Launch
The agricultural areas to be leased consist of approximate acreages of:
(1) Yuchi Refuge/Chickamauga WMA approximately 600 acres
(2) Hiwassee Refuge Armstrong Ferry approximately 220 acres
(3) Hiwassee Refuge Blythe’s Ferry approximately 135 acres
(4) Patty Bridge approximately 13 acres
The bids will be accepted from February 15th, 2025, to March 5th, 2025
Submitted bids will be opened at 10:00 A.M. Eastern time zone on March 10th, 2025, at Hiwassee Refuge Blythe’s Ferry off Priddy Lane in Meigs County.
To receive an invitation to bid or for more information on this leasing program
(1) Rhea and Hamilton County: Yuchi Refuge/Chickamauga WMA Brian Letner (423) 637-2315
(2) Meigs: Hiwassee Refuge Armstrong Ferry Rob Klippel (423)693-6791
(3) Meigs: Hiwassee Refuge Blythe’s Ferry Jason Jackson (423)693-6788
(4) Polk County: Patty Bridge Boat Launch Rob Klippel (423)693-6791.
Tims Ford Tailwater Trout Fishery Management Plan Meeting
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) will hold a public meeting on February 25th 2025, regarding the Tims Ford Tailwater Trout Fishery. TWRA periodically revises the Tims Ford Tailwater Trout Management Plan to maintain effective and appropriate management strategies.
Interested anglers and members of the public are invited to comment on the state of the fishery and provide suggestions for improvements. Staff from TWRA and TVA will be present to answer any questions relating to the various aspects of the Tims Ford Tailwater.
The meeting will be held at the Jack Daniel's Distillery Visitor Center, 133 Lynchburg Hwy, Lynchburg, TN 37352.
For more information contact: