East Tennessee Region 4
East Tennessee - Region 4, Wildlife Management Areas
This map is intended as a guide only, and its content is subject to change without notice. The map is intended to reflect the approximate boundaries of the TWRA Huntable Lands generally available for the use of sportsmen/sportswomen with proper licenses. It should not be interpreted as representing legal property boundaries. If you see potential errors please contact the appropriate regional office.
TWRA has made a reasonable effort to assure the accuracy of the map; nevertheless, some information contained therein may not be accurate. TWRA does not warrant or make any representations as to the accuracy of the content of the map, and TWRA is not liable for any improper or incorrect use of this map or for any direct or indirect damages suffered related to the use of this map. It is every user’s responsibility to know the land ownership of and regulations pertaining to the area which he or she intends to use for recreational purposes.
Zoom into the area you are interested in and click the Print button. This will only print the area on the screen.