Dependents Tuition Waiver
Dependents of Certain Veterans, Tuition Fees
A dependent child (under 23 years of age) or spouse in the state is entitled to receive free tuition, maintenance fees, student activity fees, registration fees, and to be admitted without cost to any of the colleges or universities owned, operated and maintained by the State, whose parent (mother or father) was killed or died as a direct result of injuries received or officially reported as being either a prisoner-of-war or missing-in-action while serving as a member of the Armed Forces during a qualifying period of armed conflict.
To be eligible for these benefits, the parent must have been a Tennessee resident at the time of death. The dependent child or spouse must present a certificate from the United States Government, and he/she can not be receiving benefits under Public Law 634 or such other Federal Laws offering like or similar benefits, and must meet the above requirements. Notice of the waiver program must be published in the institutional catalogs and class schedules.
More information about the Dependents Tuition Waiver can be found here.