Board of Boiler Rules Public Notices

Our department provides public notices for regular and special meetings. Details on such meetings are outlined in Tennessee Code Annotated § 8-44-103.

If the physical quorum is present, boards and commissions may, but are not required to, allow participation by electronic or other means of communication (ie.: webinar, conference call, etc.) for the benefit of the general public and governing body in connection with any meeting authorized by law (Tennessee Code Annotated § 8-44-108). 

For further information, you may contact Jimmy Watson at

Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in such proceedings should contact Evelyn Gaines Guzmán 10 days prior to the meeting at or by phone at (844) 224-5818, fax (615) 741-4722, or TN Relay Service: 711. 

Servicio de Relevo en Espanol: Voice, TTY, ASCII: (866) 503-0263 Fax: (615) 532-1355

Notices are Current at the Time of Posting

View all current public notices for the entire department on our Public Notices Calendar.