Find an Inspector
Tennessee Law requires companies to select qualified inspectors to perform the required inspections. Inspection fees are separate and unrelated to state fees. The Amusement Device Unit accepts Inspection Reports stating that the devices ‘Pass’ inspection or ‘Meet’ the approved industry standards (ACCT or ASTM). The Inspection Reports must include a date of inspection that’s within three (3) months of the effective or start date of the operating permit.
To access a list of qualified inspectors who are currently active in performing amusement device inspections in Tennessee and the Southeastern United States please follow the link below. Approved certifying agencies and/or qualified inspectors who wish to be added to the list below should contact any member of the Tennessee Amusement Device Unit and provide the necessary credentials.
Persons interested in obtaining a qualified inspector may also use the following links to access information about inspectors as supplied by each of the three state approved certifying agencies.
- The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT)** is an organization that sets standards for the challenge course industry, including installation, equipment, inspections, operations, practitioner certification, and qualifications for the challenge course professional.
- The Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers (AIMS) Trade Association is a nonprofit organization representing Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers worldwide. AIMS conducts certification programs for inspection, maintenance, and operations.
- The National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials (NAARSO) is a nonprofit organization that provides resources for amusement industry professionals dedicated to the safety of the industry and its patrons. NAARSO administers a certification program for amusement device inspectors.
Note: The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development does not employ amusement device inspectors.
** In March 2015, the ACCT was approved by the commissioner as a certifying agency. ACCT is approved to inspect Challenge Courses, Zip Lines and Canopy Tours only.
Industry Standards
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a nonprofit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of international voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services. Consult ASTM for standards developed for amusement rides and devices regarding inspection, maintenance, and special safety instructions.
The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) establishes and promotes the standard of care and measure of excellence that defines professional practice and effective challenge course programs. ACCT develops, refines and publishes standards for installing, maintaining and managing challenge courses; provides forums for education and professional development; and advocates for the challenge course and adventure industry.
Contact Us
Amusement Device Unit
(615) 741-1900
(615) 532-1116