Validity & Fraud

about a workers' claim of injury or illness

Concerns or Doubts of Claim

If you, as an employer, have concerns or doubts about the validity of a claim of injury, you should still take it seriously and report the claim to your adjuster.  It is the adjuster’s responsibility to investigate the claim.  The adjuster will do so with your assistance and input.


It is illegal for any party (the employee, employer, insurance adjuster, or medical provider) to knowingly and intentionally defraud another party of a property or monetary gain. The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation does not investigate claims of workers’ compensation fraud. Reports of workers' compensation fraud should be made to the employer’s insurance carrier or third party administrator. Reports can also be made to the local District Attorney General.

Need More Help?

If you have additional questions, please call 615-532-4812 or 800-332-2667 or contact us by email at