What is RESEA?

RESEA stands for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment. This federally funded program provides intensive reemployment services to eligible claimants receiving unemployment benefits who are selected to participate. Once an unemployment claim is filed and a customer is selected, it is a federal requirement that the customer participate in the RESEA program to continue to receive their unemployment benefits. The purposes of RESEA are:

  • To reduce unemployment insurance duration through improved employment outcomes;
  • To strengthen unemployment insurance program integrity;
  • To promote alignment with the vision of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA); and
  • To establish RESEA as an entry point to other workforce system partners.

The foundational element of the RESEA program is a meeting between the claimant and RESEA staff.  RESEA services provided include:

  • A one-on-one assessment of the claimants’ continuing unemployment benefit eligibility;
  • Support in the development of an individual reemployment plan;
  • Customized career and labor market information;
  • Enrollment in the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service; and
  • Information and access to other AJC services and resources that support the claimant’s return to work.

A subsequent meeting will be held approximately two weeks after the initial RESEA meeting in order to assess any additional needs that the customer may have.

RESEA services are provided in 21 American Job Centers across the state of Tennessee.

If you have been selected to participate in RESEA and have questions, you may contact or call 1-855-801-0106.

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