News & Announcements
The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development’s Office of Reentry (TOOR) is excited to announce a Request For Applications for the inaugural “Community Reentry Reinvestment Grant (CRRG).” The CRRG is a competitive state-funded reimbursable grant program for the creation of pathways to permanent employment for justice-involved persons. The CRRG seeks to fund innovative partnerships that include but are not limited to local workforce development agencies, local governments, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, social services, and second or “fair” chance employers. Additional program details are available in the funding announcement linked above. The application deadline is June 5, 2024.
The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development’s Office of Reentry (TOOR) is excited to announce a Request For Applications for the inaugural “Community Reentry Reinvestment Grant (CRRG).” The CRRG is a competitive state-funded reimbursable grant program for the creation of pathways to permanent employment for justice-involved persons. The CRRG seeks to fund innovative partnerships that include but are not limited to local workforce development agencies, local governments, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, social services, and second or “fair” chance employers. Additional program details are available in the attached funding announcement. The application deadline is July 14, 2023.
This Page Last Updated: July 11, 2024 at 2:44 PM